Ch.1 Dreams

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I saw myself standing in the dark forest, where the pale moonlight streamed over my shoulders and on to the ground, forming a shadow. I stared forward, searching blindly in the dark woods. A tall figure emerged from the dark, moonlight casting over his brown hair, his azure blue eyes sparkling in the dark. I couldn't talk or move, I just stood helplessly staring at this strange but beautiful boy, I yearned to reach out and touch his hazel coloured hair, but frusrtatingly, I could not move. Suddenly, a rustle was heard from my left, a smaller figure emerged from the woods. His jet black hair glowed in the dark and his pale face seemed to reflect the moonlight. His stormy grey eyes bored into me as if all my thoughts and memories are clear and exposed to him. His hansome face was stern and strangely filled with ancient grief, I hoped to speak and comfort him, but stubbornly my lips would not move. Both boys slowly extended their hands and spoke two simple words that haunted me forever-

"Follow me."

My eyes snapped open. I was sitting upright on my bed, panting and puffing with perspiration coursing down my back, my shirt was stuck to my back like a second skin. I groaned and rolled out of bed, I glimpsed at my clock 6:30- great I definetly won't be late for my first day of highschool. I walked into my bathroom and took a quick shower, despite the cascading water that is pouring down my back, I feel burnt up, I just couldn't get this strange dream out of my head. "Jeez Natasha, you are too superstitous," I wheezed to myself "forget it, it is just another strange dream, stop letting it haunt you." I repeated this statement in my head as I stumbled through the rest of my morning routine.

I stared at myself in the mirror, who seemed so familiar and also so different at the same time. My straight fiery red hair glinted in the sunlight and my sea green eys sparkled contently. I have a really weird combination of hair and eye colour, you can rarely spot a person with either red hair or green eyes, let alone a person with red hair and green eyes. I have to admit that I am rather proud of my unique appearence. I randomly fished a plain white blouse and jeans from my very messy closet, I glanced at the mirror and immediately noticed that my hair was impossible, so I tied it up and carefully examine myself. Not bad. I grabbed a pair of loopy earing and put it on ( accidentally poked myself with it) then glanced at the mirror one last time before dashing down the stairs and shoveling half a box of cereal down my throat(without a drop of milk), then dashed out of the door with a can of pepermint in my hands.

I arrived school just in time as the bell ringed, I hurried into my classroom and stopped-

My blood ran cold, like literally ran cold, because sitting in the opposite corners of the classrooms, are the boys. Not just any hot boys- but the exact same boys I saw in my dream last night.


Author's note 

Heyy everyone :) I tried to write as much as I can in half an hour so please forgive me for my short and crude writing. I hope you all liked this chapter :) Please comment / vote ! It means alot to me :)

*muah luv ya all <3


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