Ch.3 I flunked dancing

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I was so shocked that I banged my head against the wall behind my back, Sh!t ! I Crossed my fingers and hoped my dad would not come down and sue me, I heard heavy steps down the stairs. Too late. I sighed and turned of the lights, I scrambled beneath the table just as the door creaked open and a ray of light shone in the dark room. "Weird," my dad muttered " I swear I just heard a bang." He shook his head and blinked, "Maybe I'm just getting old." He reassured himself before closing the door behind him and climbing up the stairs. I waited till the sound of footsteps fade before sticking my head out from under the table. I breathed out a sigh of relief as I tip-toed back to my room where my goldfish is swimming contently in it's tank.

I slumped on my bed and tried to put together what I just saw: This mysterious guy at school claims to be Luke Eric Danville, while Luke Eric Danville has disappeared in the woods and was never found. What is this boy hiding? Why is he so hostile to everyone? Is is he a criminal or something? Why is he using somebody else's name? Wait.............. I suddenly thought of the description of Luke in the FBI profile. I snatched the yearbook from my desk and looked at his picture: A hansome face, hazel brown hair, dazzling blue eyes............. and the face matches exactly with the description.

So this person is indeed Luke Erik Danville. But why is he here if he disappeared four years ago ? My phone rang and I jumped up from my bed, startled. I glanced at the screen, and found out it is just a message :

Elysia: Heyy :P

Me: Wasssup

Elysia: Nathan is holding a party at his house tonight, he told me to ask you, wanna come?

Me: Nah not going. Why bother asking?

Elysia: Uh, well it's not really a question, Chris is waiting in his car down at the back yard.

Me: Arghhhh, gimmie half an hour, I'll be there.

Chris is one of my best guy friends, he's cool and funny and gay. Like literally GAY. I threw my phone on my bed and glanced at the window, the sun is setting in the crimson sky and I can see Chris's car parked outside. I closed the curtains and skipped to the closet.I chose a sky blue long beach dress, barely put on any makeup before dashing outside.

I met the cool air outside. I walked to Chris's car and saw him grinning-his smile so big that I thought his face would split. I can't help grinning like a lunatic too.

"Hey girl, look'in good tonight eh?"

I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

I opened the car door and slipped inside slamming the door behind me, faking the-super-pissed face.

"Move!" I ordered.

"Yess mam"Chris said faking the-sad-puppy face.

I looked away biting my lip, trying not to laugh. Well, I can't admit that Chris wasn't a choice, untill I knew he's gay, duh, I'm just.......kinda disappointed.

The car swerved and I found myself staring at Nathan's front porch.

"Wow" I breathed, totally shocked to see the place so packed: Coloured lights was hanging on the trees, loud music blaring (that sounded suspiciously like Rebecca Black), classy food on tables, people dancing and cheering........I stood on the pavement mouth open, mesmerised by the scene before me. I regained my posture when Chris finally nuged me. "Uh.....hello? We're here." I walked behind him embaressed.

I walked into the yard and first thing I saw was a big fat ass-hole standing right in front of me, his hands in his pockets, looking annoyingly hot.

"What do you want Taegon?" I growled, having a very hard time keeping a straight face and trying not to stare at his abs.

"Hey! Give some respect, I invited you to my party!"

"Which I do not wish to come." I snapped. Giving him my famous death stare.

"Jeez easy babe, I know you wanted to come" He slurred, smiling his cute closed mouth smile.

I ignored the word "babe" and knew better than to say anything. I waited for another taunt by none came. I looked up and saw that Taegon had already strolled away, his hands still in his pokets an arrogant expression plastered on his face.

Well, that was embarassing.

I walked forward bravely in to the sea of crowd and bumped into Finn (accidentaly!! I swear!!) who was getting a drink.

OMG! Calm down, calm down calm down......... My heart thudded crazyly in my chest, I felt a sweat threatening to break. I suddenly felt so self concious, why oh why didn't I put on make up!!!

He smiled and I almost fainted, jeez how in the world can I date him when I will faint just by looking at him!

"Hey, you look really nice in this dress." He complimented.


"You're welcome," he seemed amused by my reaction.

Just then soft music started to play and couples started to dance awardly-I mean something more like stumbling I suppose. I looked up to his azure blue eyes and he said something that I will remember for the rest of my life-

"May I have this dance?"


Authors note:

Ello everyone! This is my newest chapter!, it is a bit short but I did mag best :) pls vote comment and FANS !!!!!! Thx luv ya all muah <3


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