Ch.4 I throw a punch

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We danced along to the music, the autmn breeze blowing against my face. I looked into his stormy gray eyes, and totally forgot the world behind me. We twirled and floated above the floor, like literally, I mean FLOAT. I was so into the dance that it took a while for me to realize that we are floating about 1mm above the ground! But at that time nothing else mattered but him. He had an arm around my waist and his thighs were brushing against mine. We were so close that I can feel his warm breath against my face, I shuddered in response. Everybody was starring at us, some with envy, some with hate .......... I can see Nikole and some of the b!tches were glaring at me but it was worth it as we danced in our own world. Suddenly a familiar face caught my attention: Luke Erik Danville was standing outside the dance floor hands in pockets, a cocky smile splayed across his face, as if me dancing with Finn amused him. The thought of Luke made me dizzy, my head spun as I looked up and saw Finn was starring at Luke too but with a triumph smile. I felt uncomfortable and pulled away gentelly but Finn's arms held me with iron strength.


"Yes?" His eyes shot back towards me and gave me a warm smile.

"I'm kinda thirsty, I am going to the tables to get a drink."

"Sure." He released me reluctantly.

I pushed through the crowd of bodies, recieving lots of glares and stares and finally reached the table. And someone- ahem, I mean something far from pleasant was waiting for me there- Da bitches- Nikole and her gang of snobbish friends. I turned to leave not because I was scared of them, but beacause I didn't want trouble. But Britney (one of Nikole's side kicks) was not giving me a choice, she blocked my only exite route.

"Not so fast hon." Nikole stepped towards me, her spickey heels dangerously close to my flats.

"What do you want Nikole?" The vendom in my voice startled her.

"I'd tell you what I want: Get your filthy nails of my man." she pushed me and I landed on the floor and scraped me elbows.

The crowd gasped. It never occured to me that the crowd would hear what we said over the blaring music, but apparently a spotlight was shining on me and Nikole now and also the music had stopped so everybody know exactly what is happening. I saw Nathan standing near the control panel, hands crossed, highly amused by my akward situation.  Screw him.

"Hmmm... You want a man? I'll help you." I slowly stood up and in one swift movement I snatched a cup of fruit punch off the table and thrusted it towards her. Juice spilled out the cup and gave Nikole quite a shower.

She gasped, as if she didn't believe what was happening "I wouldn't do that if I were you." She said through gritted teeth, her whole body shaking with anger, and a jelly fell on the floor with a sickening splat.

"Woah. Girl you've missed the "punch" line." The crowd roared with laughter " I really do think Finn would like you better like this, wouldn't you Finn? Besides, you smell alot better than before. Shower much?" I paused and put my hands on my hips, and the laughter died away. " Oh and a last reminder, you should really, really, stop sniffing on other girl's man, bitch. People find it really disturbing."

With that I strolled away, leaving Nikole gaping open mouthed at me, juice dripping from her blonde hair, staining her designer dress. The crowd parted automatically in front of me like moses through the Red Sea. Nathan gave out a low whistle, and I heard someone say " Hot and spicy". I smiled at the comments and glided out of the party with Chris loyally at my heels.


" What the hell were you thinking?" Elysia yelled, " Nikole will KILL you! She's a psyco!"

"Wait a sec. Calm down, Elise. It's fine, Nikole is not going to KILL me." I yawned, annoyed as Elysia my "sistaa" had been bugging me all day.

"She will! That bitch is really pissed......" She faltered as Nikole and da bithches marched in the classroom in their spicky high heels, the sound echoing  through the quiet Monday morning. She clip-clopped to my seat and put a red painted nail on my table. The noise died away quickly as the whole class was starring at us, waiting for something to happen.

"Hmm.. good morning. Did you enjoy your fruit punch yesterday?" I yawned the second time, and crossed my legs leisurely.

"I wouldn't be such a smartass if I were you." She snarled inhumanly, but her expression changed as she twittered in her normal sickly sweet voice, " I have planned an awesome surprise for you. You'd love it!" She skipped to her seat exultanly. I looked supciously at Elysia and we both wondered how horrible the "surprise"could be that would make Nikole beam like a 7-year old in a candy shop.


 I struck out lethargically as I lugged my tired butt to the canteen, after math class, I felt like my brain had been through a giant grinder, Instead of being more clever, you become more stupid. I passed the hallway and realised it was silent. No bubbly lipstick girls, no sluts making out with guys against the lockers, no annoying head teachers who thinks they are a living god. I started to suspect that was the 'surprise' Nikole was talking about, but I swept the thought aside. How could she get the whole school to stay out of the hallways for the whole lunch? It's impossible! I ventured further through the hallway that seemed so sureal when it is deserted. A few seconds later, I heard faint voices of people. I sagged in relief, and childed myself for being too vigilant. Just as the thought passed my head, a hand clamped over my mouth and draggd me behind the lockers. I fought and squirmed but the hands held me in iron grasp. Iron grasp. Finn. I gasped as I remembered the strong warm hands that held me in Nathan's party, I swerved my head and indeed found Finn's grinning face. Not at me, but at the triumph face of Nikole Dazik . He finally released me and I dropped onto the ground with a loud thud.

"What the heck? How could you Finn ?" I rasped, the air knocked out of me.

" Finnion," he corrected.


"You know what we are, Princcess Natalia Kaine of the Kingdom of Arc, the next heir to the throne. Stop acting stupid."

" I don't know what you are talking about!" I exclaimed " Leave me alone!"

"Yes you do. You know perfectly what we are. You should've known your stupid act won't last long, the pendant on your neck shows it all." Nikole snarled.

I looked down at my necklace- A silver arc with a purple gem in the middle. Nothing peculiar.

"No! that necklace is from my mom!" I yelled "Are you guys crazy or something?"

"Hmm....Interesting." Finn mused " Maybe she really didn't know. There is a high possibility that they will brainwash her before sending her here." He paused and sighed, as if he is mildly annoyed by the thing he would do next and said " Show her Nikole." Nikole smiled, an evil smile that made me shiver like a mice shivering under the cold stare of a cat. 

"Certainly, I suggest you stand further away master ." Nikole smiles evilely, her pretty face twisted into a beast-like snarl.

For once, Finn-I mean Finnion didn't argue.

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