Ch.2 Identity

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I stood there with my mouth hanging open, horror stricken, gripping my can of peppermint so tightly that my knuckles turned white. I quickly came to my senses and regained my posture, I blinked twice before slipping into my seat next to my bubbly best friend Nicki who was gushing enthusiasticly about her date with her boyfriend, Horus. “You know what! He took me to this very romantic restaurant on the beach and we ate a very classy dinner.........” I totally blocked her out as I stared intensively at the boys I saw in my dreams last night, the black-haired boy was twirling his pen between his fingers obviously bored of the hypnotising chemistry class. I was mesmerised by the agility of his fingers, as the pen twirled faster and faster and suddenly disappeared. I was shocked but luckly did not show it. The black-haired boy caught me watching him, I blushed as he smiled and winked at me, taking my breath away, leaving me hyperventillating on my seat. My eyes suddenly flickered towards my left as I sensed that I was being watched, my heart lurched violently as I saw the boy with the saphhire eyes staring coldly at me, I felt myself turning into a ugly ice statue under his gaze. I stiffened and dragged my gaze to the blackboard just as the bell rang. I tidied my desk and stood up, just as I was ready to leave, a deep sexy voice made me freeze in my tracks. I turned around and was not surprised to find the black-haired boy leaning towards me, his eyes staring into mine.

“Hey.” The sound of his voice made my legs quiver under my body.

Jeez, Natasha calm down, act natural.

“Umm..........” I mentally sighed in defeat, sometimes I am surprised by the slowness of my brain when talking to hot guys.

“My name is Finn Turnor, Miss Mayfield just told us to find partners for the rest of the chemistry assignments of the year, are you interrested? You know, to be my partner?”

Wait, did she tell us to find partners? Oh well. I guess I wasn’t listening.

“ Uh, sure” I replied too quickly.

Finn smiled another heart-breaking smile and turned to leave, just when I was about to leave, he looked back and asked “Oh wait, I almost forgot, whats your name again?”

“N-Natasha Kaine”

“I really like your name, Natasha. Nice to meet you.” With that he turned and strode into the crowd without another glance.

When Finn finally disappears into the bustling crowd I turned aroud and immediately bumped into something hard. I looked up to find the smiling face of Nathan Taegon, the schools infamous but good-looking bad boy. He smirked as a flustered expression appeared on my face.

“ You can’t stop bumping into me, can’t you?”

“Ha, very funny Taegon.”

“I don’t blame you girl, after all I am hot and clever, you can’t resist me.”

“Pfffft, stop being so self centered, jerk.”

“Jerk? I thought we were friends, babe.” A mock expression of hurt formed on his face.

“Don’t call me--”

“I call you whatever I want, Kaine” he reached out to touch my face but I slapped his hand away.

“ Live a life, jerk. Stop bugging me .” I said as I stomped out the hallway and unfortunately tripped on some shirt on the floor and my books fell on to the floor.

“Great dramatic exit girl.” I sweared as I heard Taegon snickering behind me. I stomped out the school exit with my face boiling hot and met the cool autumn breeze. I almost immediately cooled down when I saw my bestfriend Elysia in the car park sitting with her hand crossed in the shot gun seat in the car. She frowned as she saw me walking over.

“What happened Nat, you look pissed.” Her voice dripping with concern.

“Nothing just another Taegon incident.” I replied slipping into the drivers seat as I started the engine and the car swerved out of the carpark.

“I think Taegon is into you.” Elysia sighing playfully.

“Oh no, not gonna happen.” I glared at her.

“With all those futile attemps in getting your attention. You find him annoying don’t you?”

I nodded slowly, deep in thought.

“Can we talk later, my brains asleep.” I told Elysia who is singing “Titanuim” along with the radio.

“Uh, sure.”

The rest of the journey was quiet and peaceful (exept the part with Elysia’s horrible singing), The car arrived Elysia house within minutes, I dropped her in front of her backyard and continued my journey home. I parked my car in the garage and climbed up to my room as I didn’t bother opening the doors.

My room is a outragous scene of pandemonium as usual, I kicked of my shoes and went to feed my beloved fish, which looks horribly like my demanding math teacher with bulging eyes. It gulped the food gratefully as I sprawled on my bed relaxing after the first day of high school.I can’t stop thinking about Finn who is hot AND nice, extremly out-going and warm. But strangely, I seemed to be more attracted to the boy who seemed to ignore me and dislike me. He is so........mysterious. I really wanted to check him out but failed when  I searched him in the school website. I suddenly remembered that my father,working for the FBI would have full access to every single person’s profile in his laptop. It was forbidden to enter his room, but my curiosity overcame me as I sneaked into his room opening his laptop and entered his name I found on the yearbook. Luke  Eric Danville. My eyes widened as I saw the result on the screen:

Luke Eric Danville: 18 years old. Eyes blue, Hair brown . Height, 175cm


If Luke had disappeared four years ago, who is that boy?

Authors Note:

Heyy everyone :) This is a CLIFFHANGER so jump all you want :P I'm not gonna update anytime soon due to the exam :) But pls Vote/comment/FANS it means alot to me :)  Luv ya all <3

Hugs and kisses,


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