chapter eleven

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It probably wasnt the best idea...going down to the prison and bailing Harry out. But Harry was the person I needed right now. And i needed niall but Niall didnt even know who I was anymore.


There it was. The huge grey building was lifeless. You could here men screaming in pain and victory. I could tell this was a cruel place. This is the last place Harry needed to be... He's to sweet to be here! He was only protecting me!

I could see men getting thrown around in the yard. Their cries for help were unbearable. But I heard one in particular...Harry! He wasnt screaming in joy nor success. His voice was cracking in pain and fear.

There he was, being pushed against a fence by a middle aged man. I ran to him, grabbing the hand that was stuck in the fence then screamed at the man behind him, "Go away you fucking ass hole! Leave him alone." my voice was louder than any other voice on the yard. People were starring now but i didnt care. I saved Harry. Thats all I care about.

He had a butterfly bandage on his eyebrow, hollow cheak bones, and his arms were being held behind his back by cuffs. Did they really beleive that he was that much of a criminal?

"Its horrible in here. Im stuck in cuffs and everybody takes advantage of it! Save me Lilly please!" His voice was low and the tears were streaming down his face. You could here the pain amd misery in his deep husky voice. Soon some men came and took him away. They spat in my face as they screamed at me words i didnt understand. Where were they taking him? And why were they taking him away?


Here I sat. It has been three hours since Harry was brutally tooken away from my presence. Iv been in the court room crying. I know this will be too much for me to handle, Harry coming through the door in orange overalls and cuffs. I saw it once before, please not again! I wont be able to handle it..

"Every body please stand", the police officer's voice was deep and intimidating. He wore a deep blue outfit and three guns, two on his left and one on his right. He had a pair of cuffs that were barely visible. He had no expression on his face. No smile, no frown, nothing.

The doors opened, Harry came through. His face was fixated on the floor until he reached near the jury stand. Once he looked up our gazes couldnt be moved. I could feel his pain burning in his soul. This wasnt right!

"Do you swear to tell the truth and nothing but the truth?"hus cuffs were removed but soon there were two armed police officers standing behind him.

"I do." he tried to hide the pain in his voice but he couldnt, it seaped through with every breath.

He was escorted to the seat adjacent to the judge(next to).

"What case do you plead?"

"To which situation?"


"I plead innocent to the rape of Lilly Miller and guilty to the death of Eric Pastard."

"Then we shall begin."

"Did you ever touch Lilly Miller in any harmful way? This includes: slapping, grabbing, punching, pushing, raping."

" No, no I did not."

"Then who did?"

"Coach Pastard."

"Is that why you brought the death to this man?"

"Yes Sir."

"Did he ever hurt you?"

"N-No "

"Then you had no reason to assault him."

"Well no, but it was my natural reaction. I didnt think it would kill him."

"So you didnt think bashing a mans head with part of a toilet would kill him?"

"No Sir."

"What did you think it would do then?"

"I thought it would stop him from hurting Lilly anymore than he already did."

"Hm, I see. So tell me why you were holding Lilly in your arms as she lay there not moving and, recently raped."

"I was going to help her, take her to the hospital. Im not quite sure. .it was another natural reaction. I guess i just didnt want the love of my life laying on the cold floor fully exposed. It just wasnt right "

"Do you swear you never hurt Lilly Miller."

"I swear!"

"But you do admit to killing Eric Pastard."

"Yes Sir."

"The jury pleads you innocent. Yet, you did kill a man that is automatically two months in jail."

"I have a few questions."


"Can i have visitors daily?"


"When can i make phone calls?

"Every Wednsday and Sunday. And before you ask, yes you can write letters."



At the sound of the gavel I ran over to Harry before they took him back to his cell, "Its only two months! Ill be over daily! And ill write all the time! Please dont try go be tough! Just dont start anything! Youll only get more time! I love you Harry! Ill be here tomorrow!" I gave him no time to speak. I needed to speak my mind. As they were grabing his wrists and bringing them into cuffs I grasped his face into my hands, pressing our lips together. The sparks were every where! This had to be the best kiss ever yet at the worst time ever! I loved this man! knew I did!

As they were tugging him towards the jails doors he fought a little and got free. He ran to me, pressing our foreheads together. His breathe was warm against my own, "I love you too Lilly Miller!"

He soon disappeared behind the large doors but this isnt goodbye. I will see him tomorrow, then the next, then the next. Everything was so right yet in the wrongest way possible. I liked it...

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