chapter seven

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this is going to be a looooong chapter!!!! it take me four days to write! so you alla better like it or im going to find you :} jkjk i love you all! whale. . . ENJOY!!!


nialls P.O.V.

 Wow. Today barely started and i already wished it was over. I didnt want any of these girls around me. I mean , yeah it was nice, little did I know this was all that was in store for me later on. But i wanted to see Lilly. Only lilly , no other girl. All last night Lillly was the only thing I could think about. I have never been this tangled up in a girl all my life. What was  was so different about her?


I was able to escape the girls by telling them I had to use the restroom. I wanted to be alone, all those crazy girls gave me a headache. As i was on my way to the only empty class in the school, I ran across a penny on the floor. All those little leprachuan beleifs were all I had left of back home. It was upside down but oh well. Hopefully it will still give me good luck. Luck is what i needed at this piont, with everything going on around me. . .

By the time i reached the empty classroom I was out of breath Theses crutches really wore me out so i paused before entering the classroom. When i tried to open the door it was locked. Thats strange. . . this door was never locked unless there were some teenage love birds in it. Like every other person in the world would do, I took a look inside.

My crutches fell to the floor, as did I. I didnt want to beleive this, It couldnt be true, it had to be a figment of my imagination. Why would Lilly be hugging Harry so. .  .so pationantly? It wasnt a normal hug. Her head was snuggleed into his chest with her ams tight around his torso. His large arms were wrapped around her shoulders and neck. His head was burried in her dirty blonde hair. And he was smiling! Harry knew i liked her! He has never betrayed me like this! Ever!

I had to leave school, whether it be walking, running or hitch hiking. I had to go.

I used the doors handle for support while rising to my feet. Once I was stale I looked threw the window again. How could they not have heard me rattling the door?! They were still cuddling in there up right posistion in the middle of the room!


I didnt realize i was on the floor so long until i got up. The hall ways were empty with no trace of anybody. There was no sound, just plane silence. The halls looked lonely and depressed with out ignorant teenagers raiding it. It was dark and gloomy. There was no sunshine. Just darkness from the clouds roaring above the school roofs. the hallways matched my every feeling.

I was finally able to get out of the abandoned building just to find the front school gate locked and secured.

Today is horrible! why does the world hate me?! I bet it was the damn coin that caused me all this trouble. . .wow! Am i really that supersticious?

I crutched my way to the gate and looked up. How the hell am i going to get over this? Inhale, exhale. I took my cructhes hand in hand, then threw them with all my strength.  Great. They were offiacially over the fence, which means i have no choice but to go over too.

I laced me fingers threw the diamond shaped fence. I gathered all the strength with in me and pushed myself from upon the floor. And again, I pulled myslef higher, then higher. I heard a loud sound from the dark clouds. The gate became slippery and wet. I was almost there, the rain was the only thing holding me back from reaching any higher. I gave a few more pushes and pulls reaching the top of the fence. I was sitting there, on the top. Looking down.

My clothes were drentched now, I was dripping from head to toe. And my ankle. . . my ankle was throbbing! I could practically feel my my heart in my foot! But I sucked up the pain and bit my tongue. I flung myself off of the top of the fence. Now i was just hanging there.

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