chapter nine

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hello you beautiful creature type thingys <3 haha just playing! you know i loooooove you guuuuuys!!! anyways! i decided to uplaod again just because i was bored xp well anywho! please start commenting! you are all so silent! and it would mean the world to me if you did!! love you all!!! her you go! ENJOY YOU BEAUTIFUL PEASANTS <3


Lillys POV

I was awoken by the sound of a faint beeping sound. As I fluttered my eyes open I was able to see my sourrondings. White walls, a door, and a window. Thats it. <<Why am I in the hospital?>> I dont remeber anything. . .at all. Not one single thing. Everything is a blur. I was torn from my thoughts when a man in white clothes and a clip board walked in. Just looking at him brought shivers down my spine. But why.

He took a seat next to my bed scooting in a little then setting the clipboard on the side table. I didnt want him near me. I dont know why. . .I just. . .didnt.

"Miss Lilly. Are you alright? Are you dizzy, feeling sick, anything at all."

I could hear in his voice he was a caring man but still. . .i wanted to scream at the appearnace of him. I didnt answer the nurse. I just rose my fingers to my head, massagimg my temples. I dont know anything right now.

"What-what happened" I stumbled upon my words. I kind of forgot how to talk for a few minutes. Everything just isnt right. . .

"Ma'am we can help you" his voice was soft and low. Bringing warmth to my frightened soul. Yet he still. . scared me.

" Help? Why would I need help? What happened to me? Why am I here? Wheres Har-" I cut my self off. Why was Harry the first person to come to my mind?" And Niall. . .Where is he" I didnt mean to speak out loud. It just came out.

"Oh Niall, Niall Horan. Yes hes down in the VIP lounge. That poor lad" he was very sincere but I hated him.

"Why-why is he there?" I was now concerned. . .what happened?!

"Oh yes well you see. . ." the kind man starred down at his hands, his thumbs twittling back and forth. " He hit his head. . and he. . .he kinda lost all his. . .memory." he started talking slower and slower, tripping over his words.

"And Harry?" He simply pointed towards the side table. He then stood up and left the room not saying a word. The note read:

Message from Harry Styles to Lilly Maraine

Tell Lilly im in jail. I was accused of raping her but I didnt. Coach raped her so I killed him. I disnt mean to. Im going to court on Saterday. Im sorry. . .

I took the note, crumbled it and through it towards the wall. It was all coming back now. . . coach Paster. He. . .he kidnapped me then. . .then. . .raped me. Boiling tears formed in the corners of my eyes.

Harry is in jail, and Niall has no memory.

The door burst open. But this time a woman walked in. . .with a clipbourd. When the other nurse left he forgot his. I turned to the side table to see no trace of it. . .weird.

"Ok Ma'am are you alright?" she never looked up, not one glance. This woman was rude. I wanted the other nurse back. . .

"Excuse me but where did my other nurse go?" I tried my best to be polite.

"Honey you have no other nurse. I am your nurse. Unless someone came in here pretending to be and I dont think that happened." she looked at me for a split second and when she did she looked at me as if i were crazy. If I had no other nurse then who was he?

"So over the past three months youve been alseep weve been able to figure out youre pregnant. . ." I stopped listening after I heard the word pregnant. Im pregnant with my rapists baby. This cant be happening. PLEASE dont let this be happening!


soory its short x( im writing this on my phone for the first time so. . .yeah. Anyways! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASS PLEASE PLEASS PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEAAAAASSSSSEEEEE!!!!!!!! vote and comment! matter of fact! i wont update until I get two votes and two comments! please dont hate me! because I love you! well. . .I might update again tonight so look out you beautiful peasants! BYE MAYBE <3,

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