chapter fifteen

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so far, this story has gone way out of hand. I never expected it to get to this point. I'm not complaining!  I just want to say I might end it soon. Ill write maybe seven-ten more chapters. but they will start to grow in length!!! I have the end of this book In my head. I just need to go with the plot haha! but if you want this to be longer then just tell me. plus, I feel as if you guys aren't interested anymore. please comment! even if all you want to tell me is that this chapter was crappy and it sucked. at least I know what your opinion is and that what counts to me. thank you to all of my readers! I love you guys so much! whale.....ENJOY THIS CHAPTER YOU BEAUTIFUL PEASANTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


four months later....

Lilly's POV

These past few months I have been at my aunts. I love it here honestly! I'm not scared anymore! Well you think I would be considering my dad knows where Kaity lives but that was settled the night my mom committed suicide. She left a different note for my dad telling him that Kaity caused her death. She fooled him into never talking to Kaity again. Now I can stay here safe and protected. Another great thing is I can talk about my mothers death and not break down. Kaity would talk about all the time, soon enough it became a normal conversation in our daily life's.

Once I came to live with my aunt she quit her job, she worked as an orthodontist and hated it. My mom left her will to Kaity for me. She told my dad she spent the last of her money that day because she just wanted to go crazy and let loose. My mom was very wealthy and had a crazy amount of money on her hands all the time. She would walk around with five-hundred dollars in cash each day, along with an awful amount of credit cards filling her coach purse. She never worried about financial issues considering she had it all worked out with being rich and everything. The fear of running out of money to survive never crosses my mind. Kaity is a very talented artist. She has a studio up on the roof of our complex building. People would often find them selves wondering into her tidy space filled with sculptures, painting, and sketches. It wouldn't take long for them to contact my aunt asking to buy a unique piece of art. This and my moms will helped us stay financially stable.

Ever since that day in the spa, my aunt hasn't brought up my rapist. Either of them. She understood the fact that it was a touchy subject for me and I just didn't want to talk about it. At all.

I'm just scared to have that one conversation with my daughter. That day she comes home asking me where her "daddy" is. I know its plenty of years away but can you blame me? its not my fault Im worrying about my daughter. The sound of that is still kind of scary...

my daughter

You don't here that everyday! I'm so young and I'm afraid of raising her alone! What if I do it wrong or it just becomes to much... Well I guess I'm lucky to have Kaity here with me for that! I asked her to be the god mother, kind of how she is for me. So in a way shed be her god grandmother!

I was abruptly torn out of my thoughts at the sound of my phone ringing on the near bed side table. With out any hesitation nor looking at the caller I.D. I answered my phone, " Hello?"

" Hi Lilly."

At the sound of his voice I hung up the phone and threw it towards the nearest wall, braking it in the process. I began to scream in fear and pain. Kaity rushed into my room and came over to my bed in an instant. Cuddling me into a warm embrace, her hand slightly rubbing the small of my back. The warm touch of her stopped the rest of my frightened tears from slipping.

" What happened?" concern was written across she facial expression as she slightly rocked me back and forth. At the sound of her words the tears started to fall again.

"He called!" I could barely speak. The thought of him crossed my mind yet again.

" Who is he Hun? There could be three he's..well two..."

" M-M-My day.." the sound of calling him that ripped my soul into two pieces. He doesn't deserve that title. He doesn't know how to be a father nor a partner! He is a rapist. That's it. Nothing more , nothing less.

" Shit...I'll be right back." as soon as the words left her mouth she was no where in sight. But right now I don't want to be alone, with that I followed her into the kitchen. There she was, leaning against the counter with her phone slightly pressed against her ear.

" What do you want George?"


That's my dads name... Why the hell would he call my aunt? That situation was dealt with!

I thought I was safe here... With that I ran towards my room, stopping at the hallway closet to grab a suitcase. As soon as I was in my room I was shoving clothes into the small compartment. Not caring what it was I was taking with me to who knows where. I just know I have to leave. With or with out my aunt.

' Where do you want to go?" I turned my head towards the direction where the voice came from to see my aunt leaning against my door frame.

" What do you mean?"

" We're leaving. Well I can see you are but you're not leaving alone. He knows where I live and he's coming here tonight. I don't want either of us being her when he shows up. Where do you want to go?" yes, she was being sort of blunt but she has a valid excuse. She is terrified of George and so am I.

I stood up from my kneeling position and looked straight into her eyes. " England."

"Get your stuff."

I was actually surprised. My aunt just agreed to move to England with me.

In a matter of twenty-five minutes I had all my things packed into three over-sized suitcases. I was sitting in the living room starring at the grandfather clock. Trying my hardest to avoid my thoughts.

What if my dad called while he was on his way over here? What if he comes storming through this door right now and just drags me away to some place underground so he can  take advantage of me!

I was luckily pulled out of my thoughts at the sound of my aunts voice. " Ready?"

I rose to my feet and looked around my home. "Are we really doing this?"

"You called it."

"Do we have enough money?"

" We're basically millioners babe."

"You art though.."

She walked over to me and set her hand on my shoulder in a comforting manner like she tends to do a lot. " Ill have them shipped over. Lets go."

With that we grabbed all of our bags and made our way down the stairs to the parking lot.


well...theres not much in this chapter but it was only leading up to this. And im sorry if it was horrible. I have terrible writers block at the moment.  but im planning on updating again later on tonight so keep your eyes open.



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