Chapter 2

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The rain continued to pour onto the concrete outside, making it the only noise evident in Thomas' room. He was lying in bed again, only having left once to eat at dinner. Other than that, he hadn't moved much since therapy in the morning. He'd thought that Stiles would've been the person that he would occupy himself with when he was alone, thinking about the others malicious intent. But no, he was thinking about Newt.

He couldn't get over how incredibly small and scared the other had seemed. Like the only thing that was holding him together, were his bones. Everything else had fallen apart for him, but Thomas was still so infatuated by the very thought of this blonde in particular.

Thomas had decided as he thought, that he'd go to breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday, in hopes of seeing the other before next Mondays session again. He wanted to talk to him, even if it would only be for a few minutes before Newt decided that he didn't want to be around Thomas. The thought pained him, but it was better than never seeing him unless it was on Mondays.

It was already four in the morning, and Thomas figured that he might as well stay awake tills breakfast time came around, as sleeping slowly became pointless. Yes, he was tired, which probably had something to do with his medication, but it wasn't helping him fall asleep one bit. Lying awake was his only other option.

And so, he did just that. He stayed awake for the remaining three hours, dragging his body off the bed when he had to get ready to eat. Normally, he wouldn't have agreed to breakfast so early, but he didn't know when Newt went where at what times, so it was all he could do.

He walked out of his room at quarter to seven with a change of clothes and a towel, walking to the showers to take one quickly before heading to his desired destination. Thomas scanned the cafeteria when he got there, not seeing the blonde anywhere yet. Maybe he'd be here later. So, he decided to get a fruit salad before sitting alone in a corner, glancing around the room every five minutes to see if anyone new had showed up.

Newt never showed up.

At lunch he decided that maybe he hadn't been looking enough, so he ended up looking every three minutes instead. Call him obsessive, but he really wanted to talk to whoever Newt was. It was slowly agitating him that he could never see the one person he wanted to see, and he had to remain calm before he'd snap again. Something which hadn't improved despite his three days on medication.

Dinner came around, and he still hadn't had any luck in spotting the blonde. He sighed, slowly coming to terms with the fact that he wouldn't be there today. Dinner only had half an hour remaining anyway.

He was anxiously playing with his fingers, the little food he'd gotten, already having been consumed about an hour ago. Thomas still had some water left to drink, but for now, he continued to look.

Someone sat down across from him, and he turned his head to see who it was. The wicked grin was recognizable from anywhere, and the darkness of the others eyes held nothing but vicious intent. It was Stiles.

"Yes?" Thomas said, waiting for his brother to tell him why he'd bothered to sit with him. Stiles just laughed at his twin, shaking his head as he placed his elbows onto the table.

"My dear, dear Thomas. Why would you be so cruel as to question why I'd sit with you?" Thomas shrugged, drinking the rest of his water before he continued looking around. Stiles' grin only grew bigger in response, a glint in his eyes as he realized what the other was doing.

"You're looking for someone." Thomas diverted his eyes back to his brother, the other having caught his attention at the statement.

"What if I am?" Stiles chuckled.

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