Chapter 19

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I'm aliveeeeee. Sorry about the wait. Hopefully this chapter is worth it. Oh, and @myownpage250, happy late birthday. I lava you and your present will be done soon love x <3

Shouting emerged from the hallway, and Newt pulled himself away from Thomas just in time to turn around and see staff all run the same direction. Looking back at the taller boy, he could see him just as lost and confused. They shared a glance, enough to know that they were both curious to investigate on what was happening.

Thomas subconsciously reached for Newt's hand, linking them in a desperate grip to keep the blonde safe. He needed to know that Newt was there, which for now, he was. The blonde would've pulled away with anyone else, but he'd always been open to hold Thomas' hand from the very beginning. He was uncertain, not knowing if what he was doing was right or normal, but right now he'd let all that slip away. Newt didn't know how, but he had, and now it was only etched into his mind.

"What do you think they're running from?" Thomas asked him, looking down at Newt carefully, waiting for the blonde to look back. He never did as he was too fixated on the shut door.

"I-I think t-they're running to s-something." The blonde stepped forward, moving his free hand to the doorknob before opening it, letting Newt and Thomas step out into what could potentially be utter chaos and madness. It was quiet between them, something dense and unspoken hovering over them, intoxicating their lungs so that they were unable to speak. Because deep down, they already knew that something had happened. And it was something bad.

Newt could feel that Thomas was scared by the way his grip tightened around Newt's slim fingers. He felt the fear radiating off from the other and it did nothing to calm his own nerves, making his heart speed up as they made their way downstairs.

The library was surrounded by patients, all seeming confused over what was happening, and as Newt and Thomas took the last few steps towards the others, the feeling of something being really wrong collided with them and made them pause. They stopped walking, sharing another look after not having made eye contact in a while. Newt looked down first, frightened as he nibbled on his lower lip, his body heating up from nerves and sweat before he started to walk again.

Suddenly he stopped. Not by Thomas holding him back, but by a similar voice that belonged to another. A boy he was familiar with, fearful of. Stiles said one word, a name in a hushed whisper that was eerily calm.


"Newt?" The blonde snapped his head towards Thomas, seeing the boy look concerned, but Newt only looked forward. He was looking at the entrance to the room he loved, filled with books. The room where he met Thomas. And the room where Stiles was now pulled out on a gurney. Newt's eyes widened, and he shook in a panic because he knew who that was. He didn't like the boy, but he knew him. And that was enough for him to want to run up to Stiles.

So he did. He pushed through everyone, despite his fear of crowds. It was all a blurry mess from his tears and he couldn't hear much of anything. He faintly remembered hearing Thomas scream his name, but it went away just as quickly. It went away as soon as Thomas had seen what Newt had spotted, and he stumbled back before he ran away.

He ran back up the stairs, up to his room and slammed it shut. It had been Stiles lying there. Thomas knew that it was. And now he'd left Newt down there alone as well. Newt was where Thomas should be, with his brother.

Thomas cried out, screamed in agony because he didn't know what had happened. He didn't know why Stiles was unconscious, and he felt more responsible than he should've. And now he'd panicked. He was panicking still, his breathing heavy and uneven, all sound blocked out as he held his hands to his ears. Tears fell unevenly down his face as he shook his head like an aggressive dog shaking its victim, and he couldn't think anymore. His mind was a complete blank, he didn't even realize he was having a panic attack anymore until he no longer found himself being able to breathe.

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