Chapter 12

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I'm sorry I couldn't update yesterday like I should've. I feel bad but I just wasn't capable. And okay so I know that Newt is stuck in the hospital wing for a while, and in the beginning of this chapter it'll only have been two days since the previous chapter, but I'm gonna time laps afterwards to two months because him being stuck there is gonna get boring and repetitive.

His confidence from two days ago hadn't lasted very long. He may've shut out the voice enough to tell Stiles that he wasn't who he wanted or needed for that matter, but it was only short lived. Newt was squirming in the bed he was in, wanting to scream and cry out because he kept hearing the same exact thing, over and over.

Why are you so pathetically weak?

"I-I don't k-know." The blonde whispered, tears falling from his eyes. He wanted to move and run out of the room he was in. He wanted to find something dangerous and metallic along the way. But Newt was stuck to an IV and a feeding tube, he wasn't going anywhere. It drove him crazy, and the voice echoed throughout his head, becoming louder with every pulsing heartbeat that went through the blonde.

And then it stopped. He didn't know how or why, but it was suddenly gone, as if it had never been there in the first place. Newt was the only one in the room, sat up and alert as he looked outside. It was raining, the clouds grey but still bright enough so that it was light outside. The scenery was miserable, just like he was, and he watched as a few leaves flew past his window.

It was still early, the blonde having barely slept the whole night as his mind had played tricks on him, laughing and mocking him in the voice of none other than Stiles Stilinski. The voices he'd previously heard were now his voice, haunting Newt as shivers ran through his bones. He didn't know why it had suddenly become this way, but progressively it had changed, and now it was only Thomas' twin in his head, laughing bitterly, his smile wide, eyes dangerous and insane.

Newt was terrified, and when Thomas walked in later on in the day, the blonde wasn't so sure he wanted to see the taller boy. The resemblance of him and Stiles was uncanny, and whilst Thomas' smile may've been a lot more genuine, there was a reason for him being in this mental hospital.

The blonde looked up at the boy approaching him, and he immediately went into his submissive stance of having his knees against his chest, shielding himself. Thomas noticed it immediately, stopping halfway as he tilted his head sadly.

"You're afraid?" Newt shook his head, but his mind was screaming at him that he was. He shouldn't be as Thomas had always been very caring and careful with him, like he was only a thin layer of glass that would break at the slightest contact, but he was scared.

"Newt?" Thomas approached again, and Newt tried to get himself to relax, but it only made it worse for him. The blonde wanted to be in his arms because that's where he felt safe, but now his safe haven was also what he was scared to be close to. And it was all because he'd let Stiles get to him.

"T-Tommy?" He asked unsurely, needing Thomas to understand what exactly he wanted, even if he didn't know the meaning of his desires.

"What do you need, Newt?"


Newt's eyes widened at the echoing sound of Stiles' voice, and he shook his head fast in an attempt to throw him out of his head. Thomas only looked, waiting for an order that he could follow. The blonde whimpered, and that was his command to no longer stand around and do nothing.

"H-hold me." Two strong arms snaked around his clothed waist in an instant, and the comfort they brought was undeniable to Newt. He almost managed to calm down completely, but Stiles was still present in his mind, fresh like a new wound he'd caused.

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