Chapter 31

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Jessica's POV

     I woke up the next morning to the sound of Leigh crying. I quickly got up and picked her up out of her crib and rocked her back and forth. She slowly started calming down and once she was drifting off to sleep again I laid her down in her crib and left the room.

     I opened my bedroom door and saw that no one else was up yet. I went to the kitchen and made some coffee and poured myself a cup. I sat down on the counter and sipped my coffee, tomorrow night was the fight. I was worried about the fight, I knew this guy was going to fight dirty.

I heard a door open and looked over to see Zeke walk out of his room.

"What are you doing up this early?" Zeke asked.

"Leigh woke me up and I needed time to think." I say.

"We have a lot of training left if you want to be ready for tomorrow night." he said.

I nodded my head and set my empty cup in the sink. I walked to my room and put on spandex shorts and a shirt. I quickly tied my hair into a pony tail and walked over to Zeke.

"Are you ready to practice your new moves?" he asked.

I nodded my head and he threw a punch that I dodged easily. He kicked out his leg and I blocked it. At the same time he went for a punch to my stomach, I didn't have enough time to block it and I could feel the air rush out of me. I quickly sent a punch to his face and I easily dodged the rest of his punches and before long he was laying on the floor in surrender.

"Here." I said, holding out my hand.

"Thanks." he said.

We walked over to the kitchen and got a water bottle out of the fridge. I twisted off the cap and chugged half of the bottle. I put the cap back on and set it on the counter and leaned back against the wall. At that moment Deke walked into the room.

      "Have you been working hard?" Deke asked.

     "Yeah, wiped the floor with this asshole." I said jokingly pointing my finger to Zeke.

     "Don't call me an asshole." Zeke said and he called me a bitch under his breath.

     I playfully punched Zeke in the shoulder and he punched me back. I'm going to miss them a lot when I leave. They were like two annoying older brothers. I smiled as the started play fighting.

"Ladies break it up." I said laughing.

"Don't call us ladies." they both said at the same time, which was really creepy.

" I just did." I said challengingly.
(Challengingly what a weird word, I find it strange)

Clayton's POV

I walked to the kitchen table where Austin and Easton were sitting. They both had serious looks on their face which everyone knew was bad. If Austin had a serious look on his face it was bad news.

"What's the bad news?" I asked while sitting down.

"You know the guy Jessica is fighting, well he was talking in a bar when he was drunk as shit that he was going to kill her." Easton said, anger lacing his tone.

"Keep this quiet, I don't want the others finding out they will worry even more then thy do now." I said to them.

They both nodded their heads and Tris and Ella walked in. Ella went up to Easton and kissed him. He was a lot happier with her, he smiled a lot more that's for sure.

     "Ooo I want pancakes." Ella yelled excitedly.

     "Let's go make them." Easton said.

     They both got up and grabbed hands before walking to the kitchen. I wanted that with someone. No not someone, I want that with Jessica. I wanted to hold her hand a do couple shit together. I decided that I'm going to ask Jessica out after her fight.

I'm sorry for how long it's been since I updated but I've been super busy with school and the dance team. I hope you guys like this chapter. This book is coming to an end soon but I have decided to make a second one. Leave any ideas for the title in the comments.

Laters Peeps🐣❤️

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