Chapter 19

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Clayton's POV

I couldn't sleep the rest of the night after we got back home. I just kept thinking back to Jessica. I had never seen her so sad and vulnerable. I wish I could have just held her all night, but I can't. I can't get involved with her, I'll just hurt her.

Jessica's POV

I woke up and saw the sun shining through the curtains. I looked around and saw Tris and Ella and the sitting on the floor talking quietly. All of a sudden all the memories of yesterday came crashing back into my mind. I walked over to Tris and Ella quietly and hugged them.

"Don't cry Jess, if you do I'll cry too." Ella said. I hadn't even realised I was crying until she commented.

Before I knew it we were all crying our eyes out while hugging eachother. Once we had no more tears we just sat there quietly.

"Well, I'm hungry." Tris said and got up. We quickly followed her and smelt something being cooked.

"Oooo bacon." Ella said before running into the kitchen.

"NOOOO MY BACON!" I heard Easton yell.

I walked in and saw Ella on Easton's back trying to reach the bacon on the counter. I walked up and when they were too distracted I grabbed the bacon yelling,"Thanks for the bacon." All of a sudden I felt something jump on my back and felt someone pounding on my back.

"MY BACON!!!" Ella yelled. All of a sudden I felt something hit the top of my head and down slid an egg off my head.

"That's it." I said and grabbed a glass of milk before spilling it on Ella.

"Ahhh." Ella screamed before throwing another egg at me.

Before I knew it the bacon was forgotten and Easton, Austin, and Tris had joined our food fight. I saw someone enter the room and I threw an egg at their face. When everyone realized who it was we all froze. Standing at the door with an egg sliding down his face was Clayton. He reached into a cabinet and pulled out something. Turning around he threw flour on all of us.

"It's on." I yelled and ran after Clayton with a bottle of ketchup.

After everyone was exhausted we all sat down on the counters. I looked over at Easton and Ella and smiled. Easton had just dabbed some whip cream on Ella's nose. They looked so cute together. Tris and I already figured out a ship name, Eastella (thanks for the ship name @bethanyrasm).

I thought of how if Maverick were here she would be making fun of them. I saw the bruises and cuts on Ella and immeadiatley my mood changed. Why does everyone I care about always get hurt because of me. Maverick is dead because of me. I excused myself and went up to my room and packed my stuff. I went to get Elliot and Leigh and I walked out the front door. I got in my truck and started driving. I wasn't really sure where I was going but I needed to distance myself. I couldn't let anyone else get hurt.


It was getting dark when I decided to stop somewhere. I pulled into a Motel 6 parking lot and got a room. I took Elliot and Leigh inside the room and looked to see where I was. I had almost crossed the state line. I tucked Elliot and Leigh in and fell asleep.

Clayton's POV

After we all cleaned up the kitchen I realised that Jessica hadn't come back. I went up to her room and she wasn't there. I went to the twins room and saw everthing missing. On the dresser was a note.

Dear Everyone,

I'm sorry I had to leave but I couldn't allow for anymore of you guys to get hurt because of me. Take care and don't come looking for me.


I dropped the note on the ground. I couldn't believe it, she just left without any indication of where she was going. I walked into the living room and handed the note to the others. Once they read it they all looked sad.

"Sometimes I think Jessica is a dumbass, right now is one of those times." Tris said. I couldn't agree more with her.


Hey guys, I know another short chapter and it's late. But I was like I will write this even if it almost 11pm so yeah.

This chapter is dedicated to @FictionalMadness because I wasn't planning on updating this weekend but her comment was so sweet so this is for you.


Laters Peeps🐣❤️

(P.S. Anybody wanna make a cover I would love to see what you guys make and also I need a cast list got anybody in mind?)

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