Penncil - One Moment

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(Warning. This one shot gets kind of sexual. Just for your info.)

This One Shot Suggested By: Sammiana

At Object High School...

"So, he finally won that video game!" Blocky finished. Eraser started laughing crazy. "After so many crazy attempts! Dude!" Eraser said, in between laughs. Then they noticed Pen wasn't reacting to Blocky's stories at all. "Dude, are you listening?" Blocky snorted. "I think he's looking at those girls over there!!" Eraser gasped. "What?! How could you?!" Blocky yelled. Pen snapped out of something in shock. "Huh?! Wha?!" He blabbed. "You were looking at those.. Those THINGS!" Blocky shivered, pointing at the group of girls. Pen sighed happily. "Ahh.." He muttered to himself. He shook his head and snapped out of thought.

   "Y-YOU L-LOVE THEM?!" Eraser shuddered. "Wh-What? No!" Pen quickly answered. "You are betraying us. You are breaking the rule." Blocky angrily told Pen. "No I'm not!" Pen lied. He had a secret crush on Pencil, the 3rd prettiest girl in his grade. Once, when he dropped all of his papers, even if it meant being late for class, she stayed, and helped him pick them up. "Dude. Bros before Hoes." Eraser sighed. "YOU BETTER NOT TALK TO THEM!! EVER!!! Or answer.. To us." Blocky yelled. Pen sighed. This happens every time... he thought.

   Meanwhile, Pencil, Match, and Bubble were chatting away about lip gloss. "Is purple my colour, or does pink fit better?" Match asked. "I think red matches your hair tone." Bubble replied, studying her face. "Pencil, what do YOU think?" Bubble asked. Pencil was longingly gazing over at Pen. He was talking with his friends. Pen was such a gentle giant. He was so good at sports and he even helped her carry her books to class when she had to carry her makeup. "PENCIL!" Match yelled. Pencil looked up, in shock. "What?!" She yelled angrily. "I should ask you. Are you staring at those boys AGAIN?!" Match complained. "Maybe." Pencil replied. "They're mean. And all they do is play sports, and sweat, sweat, sweat! Ew!!!" Match complained on and on. "Whatever. We're going downstairs to hang out and talk like ACTUAL girls. You join us when you're done your boy staring." Bubble groaned. They walked away.

   "We're leaving to go play sports! Like ACTUAL men. Come when you're done with this madness." Eraser rolled his eyes. They walked away. Pen smiled to himself, and turned to look at Pencil. She is so beautiful.. Just look at those lips... He thought to himself. Suddenly, he realized she was looking at him, too! Embarrassed, he looked down at his shoes. Alright, Pen, be a man. Go up to her. He said to himself, in his thoughts.

   He started making his way to Pencil. She blushed and looked away. Oh no.. I think he noticed me looking at him! She thought. She looked down until she felt breathing in front of her. She looked up. Pen was right in front of her. And he was only a few inches away from her face. Come on, kiss her already! Pen thought. But he couldn't move. Or speak. Neither could Pencil. They just stayed very close to each other, not moving or speaking for a long while. Pen looked down at her lips. I've got to hurry up before the moment is gone... He thought. Breaking a sweat, he moved in a few inches.

   Pencil still couldn't react. Oh my word, what is happening?! Bubble and Match would freak if they saw this! She broke a sweat. I want to kiss him... I'd better hurry before the moment is gone.. She frantically thought. She moved in a few inches.

  Both of them were very close now. About 8 inches apart. Somehow, at the same moment, their eyes shut, and they both bolted for the other's lips. Within milliseconds the distance between them was no more and their lips were rubbing against each other's. The hallway was empty, in their luck. Pen slid his arms around her waist and pushed her against a locker, their lips still locked together tight. Pencil threw her arms up and pulled him closer from the back of his neck. Their tongues slid into each other's mouth and they both enjoyed the moment fiercely.

   Slam! Two doors on opposite ends of the hallway slammed open. "PEN?!" Eraser and Blocky yelled. "PENCIL?!" Bubble and Match screamed. Pen and Pencil separated the moment they heard their friends' horrified screams. Their faces turned deep shades of red. Blocky and Eraser grabbed Pen and dragged him away. "Okay, looking at her was annoying, but this crossed the line!" They yelled.

   Meanwhile, Pencil was being dragged away by Bubble and Match. "You are disappointing! Kissing a boy?! That's crazy!!" Match yelled. Bubble glared at Pencil.

   Pen and Pencil, both, being dragged away from each other by their angered friends, locked eyes once more. Maybe they weren't meant for each other in the future as a pair. But at least they shared ONE moment, one ROMANTIC moment, and that was enough to satisfy their hunger... For each other.

The End

So we've come to the ending of another one shot! Don't forget to suggest more ideas/pairs in the comments for next one shots in the future! See you next time!

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