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Please read before starting to read this Fan Fiction:

My writting skills improve a lot as the story goes. When I posted the first chapter it wasn't that good but I promise you that you won't be dissapointed if you read more. 

------------------------------> Picture of Emily Watson -------------------> 

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It was a sunny summer morning. As every morning, I got out of my bed and went straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I don't know why I always cared so much about my appearance, I felt like there was nothing I could do to make me pretty or at least ordinary, but yet I tried. 

Since I was 10 years old I've always been bullied in my school, but I could never unterstand why. I always thought I fitted in, I always thought people would like me, even though I didn't like myself that much. People from my grade would always throw my books on the ground stepping all over them and calling me names that made me want to kill myself right after. I was already insecure, I didn't need anyone else reminding me my flaws. 

After a few years things got more serious and my mom and dad thought it would be better for me if we moved out of town. The only thing I didn't know is that we were going to move to a total different country all the way accross the sea. I didn't know we were going to move to England. 


"EMILY!! COME HERE QUICK" my mom shouted from the living room. I quickly rushed downstairs to meet her down on her knees on the kitchen floor.

"Oh My God mom what happened?" I asked her while noticing she was holding a picture frame with a photo of my brother, Matt. "Are you okay? Why are you holding that?" I asked her while pulling her up from the ground.

"Your brother.....He....died.." She said with tears streaming down her face. What? WHAT? I couldn't believe the words I just heard coming out of her mouth. My brother... he couldn't be dead.. No, he couldn't!

"WHAT, MOM?!?" I said while breaking down in tears. This couldn't be happening. No. Not with me. Not with my brother.


"Mom, dad, no. I'm not moving to England. No way, no fucking way!" I said while running upstairs and slamming my bedroom door. No this couldn't be true, after what happenned to Matt... And they would still go back to that stinking country where my brother went to never come back? No they couldn't be doing this, not to me.

"Sweetie come on! It will be fine." my dad said while entering my room and sitting on the opposite side of my bed "I'll be with you" he said 

 "But dad no. What if something happens to you, or to mom? I can't miss anyone anymore" I said while crying my eyes out

"It will be okay, I promise you. What happened to your brother was a fatality, we will be safe there I promise you"



As soon as we landed on the Heathrow Airport my heart was beating faster than it ever did in my entire life. More than when the girls from my school were hitting me, more than anything. I held strongly to my father's arm as we walked through the airport. Everywhere I looked people seemed so dangerous, it was the worst of my nightmares coming to life. 

We got our luggage and got in the car. As we passed the buildings and houses of the city I felt my heart beat grow faster and my hands were starting to sweat.

"Dad, I can't do this"

He looked at me and said "But we haven't arrived yet sweetheart" How come?

"But aren't we going to stay in London?"

"No we aren't. We're moving to small village in the country."

What a village? But that's so weird, I've always lived in big cities since I was born, I wouldn't get used to live in small village.

"What's the name?"

My dad looked at me and answered with a small smile spreading accross his face "Holmes Chapel" 

We drove for two hours and a half until we finally got to our destination. I was kind of happy with what I was seeing, Holmes Chapel was a very beautiful place. The houses were all identical and there were lots of trees and flowers everywhere. It was really peaceful. 

"Come here Emmie, help me out with these boxes" 

"Coming mom!" When I got out the car I faced this very misterious guy looking at me from across the street. He had a light smirk on his face. His hair was dark brown and I can tell it was curly even though it was night time and very hard to see.

"Emily! Aren't you coming?" My mom shouted from inside the house

"I am mom!" I shouted back while closing the car door and walking towards the entrance of what I suppose it was my new home.

"Wait. Why the rush darling?" I heard an unknown voice very close to my ear and turned around to see that same guy close to me. Wow, he was gorgeous. He had bright emerald colored eyes and beautiful chocolate brown curly hair.

"Who are you?"

He smirked and looked deep into my eyes "I'm Harry" he said while coming close to my ear "And you might want to remember that" 

He walked away from me getting into his car and driving away. Wow, wow, wow, wow. That was so... scary. How could a person look so attractive but so scary at the same time? I was getting nervous just by remembering what just happened with chills all over my body. What that boy just did to me wasn't normal. I had never felt so attracted to someone in my entire life.. I was drown away from my thoughts by my mom's voice

"Emily Louise Watson, where the hell are you?" I laughed as I rememebered that I should've helped here with those boxes ages ago

"Sorry mom! I'm coming!" I said walking back home. 

Tomorrow would be my first day of school here in Holmes Chapel. I was so scared, scared of people not liking me. Scared of being bullied again. Scared of not fitting in. I was terriefied of only thinking of  how the teacher would ask me to introduce myself and I would just blush and say something really stupid and people would laugh at me and yay everything would start all over again, the names, the beating, me cutting myself and wanting to die. I just couldn't let that happen all over again. And the worst, what if Harry showed up? 


A/N: If you're reading this now, it has been edited.



P.S. Please follow me on Twitter, if you have it; my username is @Zoella_Styles :)

Okay guys so this was my very first chapter, I hope you all like it and please if you want to tell me anything, give me any advice for the next chapter or in my way of writting please let me know and comment. Your opinion means a lot to me