Chapter 2

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Hey guys I know the last chapter sucked.. sorry it's cause I didn't really have time to write that day cause I had tons of homework and had to study for two exams. Well, now I have a full month without exams so I'll be able to post a lot more for you guys. This is about to get interesting... haha




I woke up with a very bright light on my face. What? Is this really England? 

The weather helped my mood a little, but I was still annoyed.

What if Harry lied to me yesterday? What if that girl and him are still together? What if he's just using me? 

I don't want to be used, I don't want him lying to me. Deep inside, I think I was really starting to grow feelings for him. 

I walked downstairs to meet my mom and dad on the kitchen.

"Morning" I said while grabbing a bottle of milk and a bowl for my cereal.

No answer.

Well, I guess someone's in a bad mood...

I ate my breakfast, grabbed my backpack and slipped my phone in my hoodie pocket walking outside the door.

As I walked to school I was genuinely expecting for Harry to show up as he always did. But this time, he didn't.

As I arrived there a lot of people were already in school. I guess people like being early here too.

"Hey! You're the new girl, right?"

A voice shouted from behind me. I turned around to face a girl with very messy curly hair.

"Hi, I'm Eleanor. Nice to meet you." she said with a kind smile on her face.

"Hey, yeah I am. Nice to meet you too, I'm Emily."

"Are you from England? Cause you really don't seem from around here." 

"Uhm, no. I just moved here from the USA."

"United States?? How come? No one from there ever moves here!" 

We both giggled, but suddenly she froze. I guess she was staring at someone, but before I had time to turn around to see what she was looking at, she grabbed my arm and started pulling me through the school hall.

"Come on, I'll show you around."

"Why are we going so fast? Are you running away from someone?"

"Wait... just let us get to lunch and I'll explain everything to you."

That was scary, I mean. It seemed like we were running from a phsyco killer or something. If I only had time to see who it was...


"Do you know that guy?" Eleanor asked me. 

I turned around to see at who she was pointing. Then, I suddenly froze. She was pointing at Harry. And he looked obviously gorgeous. And that shirt his showing a bit of his... Uh oh. Okay Emily. Focus


"Who?" I said trying to disguise my trembling voice. 


"Yeah, what's with him?"

"Stay away from him, he's dangerous."

"What do you mean with dangerous Eleanor?"

"His father killed people, he's a criminal. Then, so is Harry."

"What? He has killed people?"

I couldn't believe people treated Harry like a criminal just because his father was one. That was pathetic, how could people be so disgusting sometimes. It's not his fault his dad's like that.

"Yeah... lots of people. He's wanted by the whole UK police."

"Who has he killed?"

"I don't know, they weren't from here. They were from London, and some from Manchester, my hometown..."

"That's quite weird, but it doesn't mean Harry's a criminal just because his father's one!"

"Well... we may never know. He hardly talks to anyone but Liam.."

"Who's Liam?"

"It's Harry's best friend. Some people believe he's his criminal partner." 

"People are so wrong"

I said looking at Harry who was standing all the way across the cafeteria. When he noticed me, he smiled on my direction and then went back talking to a guy who had a shaved head.

"Is that Liam?"

"Yup" Eleanor answered

"Yeah, he does look like a bad boy"

We both laughed and walked away to meet two girls on the hall.

"Emily, these are Perrie and Danielle."

Before I could say anything, Perrie was already leaning for a hug.

"Hey! Nice to meet you. I'm Perrie." 

"Nice to meet you too, are you a friend of Eleanor?"

"Yes she is, and so am I. Danielle, nice to meet you." said a girl with very curly brown hair.

Before I could say anything, Perrie once again interrupted me.

"Hey Emily, that guy's been staring at you for ages. What's with him, uh?" 

I laughed at her comment and turned around to look for the person she was talking about. Then I noticed Harry, smirking as usual. 

"Who's him?" Eleanor and Danielle asked 


Suddenly they both looked worried at each other and started pulling me away by my arm. 

"Have you talked to him before?"

"Yeah, once or twice. He's a very nice gu..."

"You gotta stay away from him" Danielle interrupted

"He's dangerous Emily." she made a quick pause.

"We won't let him get near you, we promise.


So.... what are you guys thinking about the fan fic so far? Leave your comments down there! 

I promise to post the third chapter ASAP! :) And stay tunned cause Zayn, Louis and Niall are about to enter the story very soon.x 

- Maria