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*Trigger Warning*

"Stop!" A scream filled the hallway and everyone turned to the direction where it came. "Please stop! I'll do everything you want!"

But no one listened to Dan and another foot hit his stomach. His crying got worse as he curled up himself into a ball, trying to protect himself but it didn't do any good, the kicks were now on his back. The only thing he thought was what did he do to deserve this but he couldn't ask it out loud because he knew the answer, he asked it before. The words echoed in his ears: "Are you even asking, dumbass? Look at this faggot! What didn't you do to deserve this?"

He begged and cried another minute until everything became black and he couldn't feel anything. The fact that he could be beaten up to his death if he hadn't blacked out was terrifying but he was strangely used to it. It wasn't the first time, or it wasn't going to be the last time. It was like this for a year now, and it started to get boring. Everyday the same struggle: trying to hide, failing, begging for mercy, getting rejected, being beaten up, blacking out or if lucky laying on the hallway floors for an hour, then going to classes like nothing happened. Didn't matter what happened, he had to go to his classes. His family were firm about his school, they always wanted him to be the best. Though they thought that they were great parents, they actually weren't. His family didn't know anything about what he had to deal with every single day, and they basically didn't care. The only thing they care was his grades. But Dan wasn't complaining, that was for the best. He didn't need anyone anyways.

*End Of Trigger Warning*


Like the usual; after an hour, nurse let him go to his classes, so he was now heading to the Psychology class. No one looked at him nor talked to him and he was very grateful about it. He didn't like attention and yes, he wasn't much of a social butterfly.

The bell rang as he turned left, walking to the end of the hallway. Thankfully, David or his crew wasn't there so he could just directly went to his class. He sighed with relief when he entered the classroom, then sat to his usual spot which was at the back of classroom. He placed the textbook on his desk and pressed his forehead against the desk. He ignored the paper balls that people was throwing at his head, because he knew what would be written on them: insults. Faggot, dumbass, idiot, man whore and many more.

He sighed, now with annoyance. He didn't even come out to anyone, plus he didn't date with a boy or even a girl. Insults were just insults, and he wasn't giving a single fuck. Okay, maybe he was. But he was having one of his I'm-so-tired-of-this-bullshit moments, so he didn't give a fuck.

Teacher came in after a few minutes, but he didn't looked up.

"Students, meet your new classmate, Philip Lester. He will have psychology with us for the rest of the year. Please be nice to him." She said and this catched Dan's attention, so he looked up, only to face a literal greek god.

He was about 6 feet tall, he had a jet black fringe and blue eyes, and oh boy was he attractive. Like, seriously, he was too beautiful to be a student, he could've been a model or something. If you thought that a man couldn't be beautiful, then you were wrong because Dan was looking at the most beautiful human alive.

He came to real world again when someone threw a paper ball to his head. He was taken unawared so he unfolded the piece of paper. The words 'Liked him, gaylord?' was written on it. He rolled his eyes and ripped it into pieces. Then, he looked at Philip's face once more, feeling a little better with his attractiveness.

He wasn't going to forget this face in a long time.



I hope you are feeling good, it's half past two in my country and I just got inspired so, here you go!

Spoiler alert: to make it clear, it isn't one of the fics where phil saves dan, just wait 'till the next episodes ^^

I didnt check it twice bc I'm tired af, so please tell me if I did any typos or spelt something wrong, that will help me a lot!

Thanks for 6 votes by the was, that's awesome! I really wasn't expecting much, since it's trash...

But anyways, hope you like it! Don't forget to vote and feel free to leave a comment, I'd love to chat with you guys <3

See you in the next episode, bye for now! *.*

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