Chapter three

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Chapter Three

"Hey mom! I'm home!" I yelled through the front door.

"Great sweety!! I'm in the kitchen!".

I dropped my bag and jacket on the chair near the door before making my way into the kitchen. When I reach the swinging doors I could already smell the deliciousness running through my noses, up into my eyes, and relaxing into my brain making my stomach growl.

I swung the doors open so fast that I think I might of broke them. Or not.

"How was school today?". She asked as always.

"It was... Interesting". I smiled mischievously. That's when she knew something was up. And I knew I would tell her. This is the type of relationship I have with my mother. She's a MILF... Well at least that's what everyone calls her. I mean.. That's just weird. I had to ask Austin what that even meant. And his reply was... "Mother I'd love to fuck". So yeah. As I said. Weird day. So I told her what happened... The way I suddenly felt attracted to Austin this morning, and how he strangely took me to my locker and how everything was out or character for the both of us. And then... I told her about the guy. To which I found out I have class with tomorrow. He's in my class! I cannot wait!! I just loved the way he carried himself with such... Care. It's like he doesn't care what people think of him. He's a mystery I am waiting to uncover. Speaking of uncovering.... I took off the lid of my moms famous stuffed shells and took a bite.

"Hey hey hey! Wait till dinner Missy!!".

"I was just... Taste testing... DELICIOUS, as always". I smiled.

"We'll thank you darling. Where's ur brother?".

I looked around me as if I lost somwthing. Without a clue, I decided to say.

"I don't know. Probably in his room."

"Could you go get him and tell him dinner is ready?"

"Mom it's 2:30.. Don't u think its a little early for.. Dinner."

"Oh no darling! Didn't I tell you?"

"Guess not."

"This is to bring to our new neighbors. I invited them over for dinner tonight. "

"Oh" was all I could say.

I went upstairs after grabbing my bag and layed all my homework on the floor before laying down myself and attempting to do college work. I'm a 12th grader doing college work! That's bogus! But eh... They say learn young. Ew I said "eh". Only Austin says that. Speaking of Austin made me think about today.. And how strange he's been acting. When he saw me lay eyes on that mystery guy... He nudged my arm, coughed, then said.. "Let's go.. We're gonna be late for home room."

It's like he didn't even care I was drolling over a guy I didn't even know. Although why should he care? We are just best friends. Deep down inside... I feel like he should care though. I want him to be a protective friend. One that looks out for me and stuff, one that I can count on like I can with Izzy.

Hours went by before I realized the door bell ring. My mother was in the basement doing laundry so I had to get up off my ass and do it myself. Blah! So much hard work!

I took the stairs practically 2 at a time before stumbling over the last one. Smoothe. Then the door bell rang again. Do they have ANY patience!? I swung the door open and my glare swept off my face as I saw him and his lil brother and sister, at least that's who I assume they are. But none the less, it was him, the guy from school! Where's his parents? Is that to risky to ask just as your meeting someone? I think so. I opened the door wider so they could come in. My mystery guy is in my house. My house. MY mystery guy.

How I love the days I get to go to my biological mothers house after school. I wish Delorah would leave and my mom and father could get back together. only if the world was perfect...

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