*Another 6 months later*
*Emma's POV"
"WANT TO KNOW WHAT FUCK YOU CALUM! I CANT FUCKING DO THIS!" I scream, tears coming from my eyes. I knew this was the end... calum had cheated on me... with CAMILLA. I run up stairs and lock myself into the bathroom an this time i know its the end. Calum was my world. WE WERE FUCKING ENGAGED. I punch the mirror, my knuckles leak bloo , staining the white tiles.
"Babe! let me in ! i can explain!!!" Calum cries at the door punching the door. "GET THE FUCK OUTA HERE CAMILLA I HATE YOU!" Calum screams. I ignore his pleads. I take the pieces of glass an cut myself, deeper than ever before. I wanted death. I could see my vision fading it was getting darker.. it was finally happening. I take my last long breath an smile. "Goodbye guys..." i whisper, and fall to the ground.
*Calum's POV*
I hear a thump in the bathroom and i knew what emma has been doing in there. I cry harder, im not manly i cant o this if shes dead im dead. i crash down stairs into ashtons bathroom. Him,Luke,Michael, an Kalee were out at Mconalds. I cry harder as i punch the mirror and shatter my knuckles. Blood pours but i dont feel a thing. I then take the glass and cut as deep as i could. i cry harder knowing that im stopping my life, but i cant live with out emma. MY SOON TO BE WIFE. i sob as i cut myself deeper and deeper.
*Third Person*
2 lifeless bodys lay in the 5sos house that day. The 4 others storm into the house laughing their asses off. They scream out "we have micky-ds!" an set it on the table. Kalee gets off of Michaels back and heads upstairs to get emma an Calum. She notices that the bathroom door is locked and their is no noise coming from there. She takes a bobby pin an picks the lock only to see her best friends life less boy laying there. Kalee screams and starts to cry while falling next to emma holding her face"EMMA! EMMA!" she screams tearing falling. Michael an Luke hurry up the stairs, Michael comes an sees wht has happened. He holds his sobbing girlfriend from behind, he looks around at Luke "WHERES CALUM!?" Michael yells. Kalee continues to cry into her boyfriens chest. she curls up into a ball, holing onto him "Shes gone.." she says between sobs "Its okay baby its okay" Michael coos , sniffling once in awhile himself. Luke screams "WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED" michael holds kalee tighter, he knows whats down there. He calls for ash to call the Police. Kalee runs out of Michaels grip, own the stairs to her and michaels room, michael trys to catch up with her put she is t fast. She locks the door behind herself an locks the bathroom door. No one knew that she had her own Knife, that she cut herself with in here. She takes the knife up to her own neck. "Im sorry Mikey" she says and slices the Knife. "BABY! BABY PLEASE PLEASE BABY!" Michael sobs outsie of the bathroom. he bangs the door and curls up into a ball "baby why" he says between his hardfull sobs "Mike! Mike whats happening!!!" Michael doesnt answer he goes to the kitchen an grabs a knife himself. He look at ashton an luke "I have to be with her, with them, with Kalee" he says between sobs Ashton gets out of his seat, as he was on the phone with the police. He drops the phone to stop michael. But it was too late. the knfe slides across his neck an he falls to the ground.
Emma Obrien- Played as Herself
Calum Hood- Played as Himself
Kalee Hill- Played as Herself
Michael Clifford- Played as Himself
I want to say thank you guys an i am Kalee- My frien emma wrote all of this book and i wrote the last chapter. Hope you enjoyed an if you did. Make sure to rate it an follow <3 Im sorry if this was sad But hey it had to happen. <3 Have a good time guys and thanks Emma for letting me take the l