I was backstage with kalee with the bucket of ice cole water in my hands, and in kalees hands she had two bottles of whip cream for Michael, we sat and listened for the boys to be done with thier song and start talking then we had the perfect opportunity
"Im like really hot and i ran out of water" calum said
And right after that Michael said he was hungry,
Then kalee and i rushed out i screamed out are you hot know and dumped the cold water over his head, meanwhile kalee was squirting whipped cream all over Michael, and then we ran back laughing then i saw calum look at Michael and say
"Your girlfriend is a bad influence on mine"
"Your right but we jave to get them back befire the end of tge concert,
"We will, that water was cold.
About 3 songs later
Kalee and i were sitting back stage when all of a sudden, Michael and calum came running back and they pickedd us up and brought us to the front of the stage where Michael dumped water all over kalee, calum haf the water in his hand but kept saying he didn't want to do it, so Michael did it for him, i was kinda pissed,
"Im sorry baby i love you"
"I ran off stage"
Calums pov
After the show was over i went back to the tour bus with emma we were both still wet. I got changed first and whent to go play fifa with Michael, i was winning until emma walked out with only booty shorts on and a sports bra,
"Why would you do that to me,
"Do what im just going to bed calum, and you know i ONLY wear a bra and underwear to bed" she grinned.