Among Doctors and Spiders

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  • Dedicated to My best friend Liz, who gave me the idea.

Chapter 1: I Was Enchanted To Meet You

Amy's POV

"And here we are, New York, the year two thousand and twelve." The Doctor exclaimed as we stepped out of the wooden, blue police box. Time Relative Dimensions In Space- or The TARDIS for short- as The Doctor called it. The four of us glanced around. It was dark, probably eight o'clock at night. From the looks of it, we must have landed in Central Park. It was my idea to come here. I always wanted to go to New York ever since I was a little girl. The Doctor owed me for leaving me waiting for him to return for twelve years. I met him when he crashed into my backyard. There was a crack in my wall that was very suspicious looking and it terrified me. I asked him if he could help me. He went to the TARDIS and told me he would be back in five minutes, but the space-time continuum went out of control so he left me waiting for him to return for twelve years. Then he left me for another two years. Hence my nickname, the Girl Who Waited. I'm sorry, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Amelia Jessica Pond. I prefer Amy. My husband Rory Williams and I are traveling with The Doctor and River Song. This particular adventure is a little different than what we normally have. This adventure is when we met a certain seventeen year old boy who is unlike any one- or anything- we've ever seen before. He's not stranger or crazier or scarier than what we usually encounter. He's just very different. Unusual. Almost as unusual as The Doctor himself, who is sometimes a little... strange. He is a time lord after all- the last of them. The Raggedy Doctor- my nickname I created for him when I first met him- is definitely different. Where was I going with all of this? Oh right, the boy.

"I wonder if any shops here sell fezes. I'll have to get myself a few. Oh and bow ties. Mustn't forget the bow ties." The Doctor wondered out loud. I nervously laughed. As much as we loved The Doctor, his fez and bow tie obsession can get a little out of control sometimes.

"Quick, lets burn down any shops that sell them." River whispered to me. I didn't know how to respond. When River says something like that, it's sometimes hard to understand what she meant it as- a joke, or a plan. With River, you never know. She used to be a trouble maker. From her days as a kid in grade school to her teenage years, she would always get in trouble. Not just at school. One time she was arrested for stealing a bus. But me being the good friend that I was, I bailed her out. I didn't know that the girl Rory and I would hang out with almost every day or share my 'dream' about The Doctor with was my daughter. It came as a shock to all of us.

There were cars on the roads and lights on in almost every store. There weren't many people in the park, just a few random pedestrians and the occasional couple making out.

"Where to Amy?" The Doctor asked. I thought about it for a moment. The Statue of Liberty? The Empire State Building? The Big Apple itself? No we're in the Big Apple right now. Central Park is part of New York City, right? I couldn't think straight. I was hyped up on excitement until River ripped me away from my thoughts.

"How 'bout we hide the TARDIS and call it a day. We'll find a hotel and wait till tomorrow to explore Manhattan. "She suggested.

"But it's only eight o' three."

"Correction, eight o' nine." The Doctor said.

"We just got here!" I protested.

"Amy," Rory put a hand on my shoulder. "We should probably get some rest and then we'll explore tomorrow. I promise." I sighed in defeat.

"Fine, but remember- you promised." The Doctor walked into the TARDIS, probably to hide it. If anyone saw a big blue police box from Britain during the fifties in the middle of Central Park, people would be suspicious. After a minute or so River, Rory and I watched as it started to fade. I glanced at my surroundings, noticing a teen carrying a skateboard in one arm. He had a backpack slung around his shoulder. He was on his cell.

"I'm going to get the eggs right now. I'll be home soon." He said. I found that odd. Why would someone be out late at night just to buy eggs? He looked over and noticed me staring at him. "Aunt May, I'll call you back." He walked over to me. "Excuse me miss, you look lost. Do you need directions?" I was about to respond- help would be nice- but as soon as I opened my mouth, The Doctor appeared.

"Well, I'll have to remember where I hid it, but other than that we're good to go." That was when he noticed the young man I was talking to. He took in the man's olive green jacket, his messy brown hair, his black t-shirt, his jeans, and his eyes. His eyes were a dark shade of chocolate brown that were probably lighter in the daylight. They looked gorgeous.

"Oh Doctor, this is..." I gestured my hand toward the man, realizing I didn't even know the young fella's name. Apparently, The Doctor did.

"Frank?" The Doctor asked stunned.


AN: Andrew Garfield- who played Peter Parker in the new Spider-Man- was in the episodes Daleks in Manhatten and Evolution of the Daleks and my friend and I thought it would be funny if The Doctor saw Peter and thought he was Frank.

UPDATE: There's a YouTube link that I just added for this chapter, which is the Doctor Who Theme Song. I kind of imagined it to be after The Doctor says "Frank" since it seems like the right place to put it. (The video is not mine I found it from another user on YouTube).

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