Chapter Four

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"No i wouldn't mind at all, join us please." They all smile at me and push a table next to ours and sit down and of course they only seat for Jace to sit in was next to me. Great...this was just the birthday dinner i had planned on spending. Someone please come save me.


An hour and a half later everyone was sitting around the table laughing and having an amazing time...except me. I was sitting there scowling at my uneaten food and just pusshing it around the plate. Jace leans over so close that I could feel his hot breath on my neck, I freeze. 

"Is everything okay? You seem very tense and angry." He leans back a little, just enough for me to be able to turn my head so I could look at him. Since when does he actually care about me? He didn'y seem to care when he tore my heart out five years ago.

"Since when do you actually care if i'm okay? You sure as hell have never cared before" I say rasing an eyebrow at him, resisting the urge to actually tell him and confide in him. Alright I admit it, I have missed him over the years. I have missed being able to tell him everything and going to him whenever I needed someone to lean on. I've missed his corney jokes and his annoying laugh that made evryone laugh around him because it was just so funny. I've just missed everything about him, I have just missed my best friend, but it wasn't until tonight that I realized all of this. 

A look of hurt came across his eyes for a split second but just as fast as it appeared it dissapeared. "I was just trying to be the gentlemen that my mom taught me to be. Besides this is your birthday dinner." I snicker and turn my head to look across the room for a second before turning back to look at him, a smile on face but not a genuine one.

"You were trying to be the 'gentlemen' your mom taught you to be? HA! That's a good joke, you know you should become a comedian."

"What's so funny about that? It's true" he said with a confused look on his face like he actually meant what he had just said.

"Oh you were actually being serious?" I ask confused, since when has he ever been a gentlemen? He used to be but then he started hanging out with the 'popular group'. "Because the last time I remember you being a 'gentlemen' was five years ago before you decided to be an asswhole and just ditch me." I say it taking everything in me to keep my voice down and not to start yelling at him.

He looks down at his lap a look of guilt spreading across his face. He doesn't look back up at me but instead he keeps looking down into his lap speaking just loud enough so only I'll hear him.

"I know. I know that I haven't been the nicest person to you these past couple of years but I want to make it up to you. I have missed you over these past couple of years, I was a stupid kid and didn't know how to think for myself so I let other people convince me what was best for myself." 

He raises his head to look at me and I just stare back into his eyes, I know that he's telling the truth by the look in his eyes. But I just can't get myself to believe him. He has hurt me once before and I promised myself that I would never experience that pain again.

"Your right you haven't been the nicest person to me but you don't have the right to miss me. You lost that right the day you decided to let me go for the group of people you call friends. So no I don't want you to make it up to me because i'm over it." I say standing my ground never showing that on the insidie I want so badly to let him make it up to me.

He stares at me with hurt in his eyes, he looks back down at his lap and I can tell that he's about to cry. He excuses himself from the table and then walks to the bathroom.

Did I do the right thing? Should I have forgiven him? I did the right thing because I can't trust him that he won't hurt me again if I do let him in. But not once since I have known Jace have I ever seen him cry.

AN: Hey guys, sorry that its so short but I have had a hectic week this week with prom and I just got  my forst job. Now with marching band starting soon I don't know how often I'll update, I'll try to make it every week but I'm not making any promises. Thanks for reading and if you see any mistakes just tell me.

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Laters, BurntToasttt

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