Chapter Six

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"You What?!?!" Lilly screams at me from her hospital bed. After my confrontation with Jace I went back to Lilly's room and told her about my evil plan. To my luck Alison had left to go home a few minutes before so she wasn't here critisizing my plan either.

"Ella, that is a horrible plan an idea. Yes I know that he hurt you badly but I thought that you were over trying to get him back for what he did? I thought that you were over what had happened" I look down at my hands

"I thought that I was too. That was until I saw him and then all the anger came flooding back to me. The fact that he thinks that I'm just going to forgive him so easily for why he did makes my blood boil even more." I say the anger bubbling up again just thinking about him.

"Ella listen to me..." I look up at Lilly who has a sad but serious look on her face, "I know that he hurt you. I remember how you were when he just ditched you for those assholes. But that doesn't mean that you should do this, it's not right."

It's not right?!? I thought to myself, sure it might not be right but what he did wasn't right either and he deserves to feel what I went through. I try my hardest to keep my anger in tact so I don't lash out.

"No Lilly do you want to know what's not right? What he did to me. We were best friends since we were toddlers and then he just pushes me out of his life at full force. I'm done talking about this with you. I'm going through with this whether you like it or not." I said abruptly standing from my chair starting to walk out of the room until I hear Lilly say something.

"Who are you?? I feel like I don't know you anymore. The Ella I knew would've never thought about doing this. Sure you would 'break hearts' of guys but that was always for at least a good reason. But your just doing it to get revenge. I just don't understand, what do you think Ryder would say to all this." Lilly says softly I slowly turn around and look at her.

"YOU HAVE NO RIGHT BRINGING HIM INTO THIS!" I spin around on my heel yelling at her.

Ryder was my older brother and best friend. Even though we were 7 years apart. A few months before he graduated high school he decided that he wanted to join the military. He loved it and me and my family could tell that he was happy from all the pictures he sent us. But 2 years ago he went on some type of mission or something and raided a building to see if there was anyone in their. He hadn't seen the man and the man shot him pour blank right in his chest, he died instantly. I was never the same without him, I could tell that my parents weren't either but they weren't home often so I could never really tell.

"Don't I? I know that Ryder would disapprove big time of what your planning on doing to Jace. He would be telling you that if you do this then your sinking down to his level. That you would be just as bad as him, is that what you want? To sink down to his level?" She asks, tears cascading down both our faces.

"Honestly...I don't care anymore. I just want him to go through what I went through for a year after he did what he did. And even though I know your right about Ryder it doesn't mean that you had a right to bring him into this." I said being completely serious. She knew that Ryder meant a lot to me and bringing him up in the way she did she knew that she shouldn't have. After two years I still haven't gotten over the fact that he's never coming back.

"I know. But it had to be said Ella. I can tell that deep down you think that what your doing is low." She says exasperated that I won't reason with her.

Yes she was right, deep down I did know tut it was low of me to be going through with this. But I wanted him to know what it felt like. He put me through hell, I was a mess after we stopped being friends. I had become so dependent on him and had gone through so much with him that it felt that a part of me was missing without him.

"Listen I'm done talking about this. I'll see you later." With that said I left her hospital room and walked over to my car driving home.


The school day went by in a flash. The only homework I got was to my stupid senior project that we are required to do in order to graduate. I drove home to find that my parents weren't home and a note on the kitchen table.


Me and your father had to go back to New York right away because there was an emergency we had to deal with. We will be back in a couple of days and for good this time.  

Love, Mom

For some reason tears gathered in my eyes. Even though I wasn't close with my parents yet, I could tell that were trying to change. But the fact that they just left and only left a note hurt a little and I hated that. I hated that I let them in, I had spent so long building a wall up around my heart and I let them in so easily. I took a quick nap before I had to get ready. I was exhausted from not getting any sleep last night. The nightmares about my brother came back last night and they wouldn't let me sleep.

When I woke back up it was quarter to five and Jace would be here at six. I only had fourty-five minutes to get ready for this date...Wait... This isn't a date was it? No, no its not but why did I think of it like that then?

I didn't want it to be a date, I wanted him to pay for what he put me through. But then why was it that eveytime I thought about this "date" I got butterflys in my stomach?

AN: Sorry guys I didn't mean to take so long to update but I have been super busy and stressed and not in the mood for writing to be honest xD. Anyways that why this chapter is so short

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