Chatet Seven

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AN: Alright I know that its been a while since I updaed but I haven't been motivated at all to write because you people WON'T COMMENT lol. I have also been busy with exams which I only have one more day of THANK GOD!, my job, my sister graduating, and then my other sister coming in for her graduation. I have just been very busy I'm sorry. But here is a brand new chapter for you to enjoy.


Until next time, BurntToasttt

Your probably expecting me to tell you how amazing it was to be spending time with Jace again and how we acted like we never stopped being friends and how it was like old times. Well sorry but that's not what happened, we both tried to start some sort of conversation but it never worked. The truth was that we were two completely different people now. We have both changed and grown. We didn't have the same chemistry that we used to have.

But I won't lie, I did have a good time, we went to the fair in the next town over and just walked around riding rides and playing stupid carnival games.

I couldn't get myself to act as if I liked him and go through with my evil plan. Not because I didn't want to, but because I just couldn't act like I liked him when we weren't talking and when it was just plain awkward. I mean how am I supposed to flirt if we are just sitting there in awkward silence? But I am guessing that you guys want to know what happened on the date so heres what happened.


"So how have you been? It seems like you have doing good I mean not that I have noticed or anything because then it would be like I'm stalking you which I'm not-"

"Jace! Your rambling" I say a smile on my face laughing for the first time in what seems like a while.

"Right...Sorry. I'm just a little nervous I mean I haven't had a decent coversation with you since...well, you know." He said looking down at his shoes awkwardly as we walked around the carnival. I look down at the stuffed dog that Jace won me from some shooting game, I played with the fur on it.

"Yea I get it, it is a little awkward." I look around and all that I seem to be able to see is happy couples. I think to myself,

'Why can't I have that? Someone who actually cares about me no matter what'

"I have been good, my life has actually been boring just getting through high school, going to parties, hanging out with friends. Ya know the usual teenage life." I say not daring to look up at him because I know that if I do I could fall into my own trap and that would be bad. "How have you been?"

"I have been good. Same ol' same ol'." He looks at my and I can't help but look back up at him and that award winning smile of his that he only saved for me was plastered on his face. I feel my barrior start to crack in the slighest bit and I can't help but fall into my own trap. I smile back at him with the same smile on my face.

We walk for a little longer neither of us knowing what to say. I was lost in thought trying to fix the crack in my barrior but I couldn't. The god damn boy somehow weaseled his way in and I didn't even know it. I know right now that if I keep this up he'll end breaking down the walls I've had built up ever since eigth grade.

"So..." He questions trying to start up a conversation.

"So..." I counter back not knowing what else to say.

That is bascially how the rest of the night went. Here and there we found things to talk about but it was scarice. I would have brought up old times but I know that it was still to soon to bring those up. Not too early for him but for me because it would make me wonder what was going through his damn mind when he was such an ass to me.

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