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While I was getting ready for school I had put on more makeup then I usually wear. I was a tad more picky about how my hair looked and whether or not the hairspray I had in it was going to keep it calm because lord knows I wasn't.

In just a few hours I would meet Calum on the field for some extra "practice." A part of me hoped he knew the real reason I wanted to meet with him while the other was preparing for an actual hard practice. We had practice after school anyway so it wasn't like I was forced to bring clothes to change into, although I did make sure to pick my Nike shorts that were skin tight and the matching top that went with it. I had gotten them for my birthday from my Dad. Typical of my dad, getting me only what I needed and nothing that I wanted. I didn't complain though, turns out they are seeming to come in handy.

My mom dropped me off at school and I hurried to my locker to get my soccer bag off my shoulder. The time was 7:58 and couldn't go any slower.

Unlike yesterday, I didn't see Calum walking out of the main office nor was Lexi running to show him to me. The introductions were already made, yet I found myself wishing they could be made every single day so I could just see him and all his glory.

When I got to my class there was only one seat open and it was next to this guy named Darren who I used to have the biggest crush on. That was back when it was so scandalous to like a boy and there were notes passed back and forth about the subject. He was attractive then and he was still attractive now. That was one kid that puberty actually did him justice.

"Hey Y/N how's the soccer season going?" He happened to ask when I sat down. I accidently slammed my books on my desk as they were falling out of my hands and everyone turned to look at me like I just through the desk out of the window.

"Oh hi." I sat down and grinned at him. It was nice to see someone taking interest in the girl's team, seeing that we were the best out of the district, but not to brag. "It's good!" And I loved to brag about it. "I don't know if you heard but we actually got a new coach. He was almost on the Olympic team. Isn't that crazy?" Just thinking about Calum allowed me to be reminded of the steamy shower we shared.

Darren nodded his head, seeming to be fully interested. "Wow that's amazing." He had actually been in my history class since freshman year, where we first met. He played on the boy's baseball team so all of his friends are on there. We never dated, although I know I would have liked to say I had. But now there was nothing more than a pure friendship there which was nice considering most guys in the school were absolute d-bags. Lexi and I often talked about it while we sneaked a bottle of alcohol from my parents. Sometimes we even prank called them and leave them funny voicemails (at least we thought it was funny). "Your first game is in a couple of week's right?" That's another thing about my school. Everyone kept track of the season.

I nodded eagerly, our eyes meeting and sharing a glimmer of happiness. "Yep. I hope you can make it! Make sure to tell all your friends." I ended on a playful wink and Darren laughed.

"Believe me I will! We love coming to the games. You girls are more hardcore then we are." I couldn't even begin to count how many times I heard that one, and each time it made me happier because people actually noticed how damn hard we work. It all pays off and we've got two championship trophies to prove it.

The late bell rang and our teacher stood up from her desk and began the lesson. Darren and I often joke around in this class when she says something funny or someone else makes a funny comment. It's nice to have someone to joke with when Lexi isn't around. Joking around with him reminded me I hadn't seen Lexi all morning.

What did you sleep in this morning? I snuck out my phone and shot her a text.

Yeah I did. I was late to my math class and Mr. Tomms flipped shit. What an a-hole. She replied. Lexi was taking an 11th grade math because she was late filling out the schedule form last year. It was the last one left that wasn't filled up. It also couldn't hurt her to have another math class, it's not exactly her strongest subject. Try having her write out the Pythagorean Thereon and it's like trying to get a child out of a toy store. Temper tantrum and all.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2015 ⏰

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