7- make out

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"You care about me too much." I said, as I tried to walk the same pace as Calum.

"I care about a lot of people." Calum said, looking down to his shoes. "But you- you're putting yourself in danger. Maybe that's why I cared."

After a long day at school, I decided to walk home since Calum was doing the same. Luke said he would go to a friend's house and just follow me home, but I knew that he wasn't just going to a friend's house.

After what Calum said to me, I knew he was right. Everyone who was watching knew he was right. I was putting myself in danger for letting Luke stay over for a few nights before school ended. I began to wonder why he went to school when there were only a few days left, but I didn't let that bother me.

I made my way to my house, as Calum walked to his direction. My head was spinning with thoughts as more kept over lapping, thinking about how I even survived this school year.

I walked in my own house only to be looking at the sight of Luke's lips connected to a girl's on the couch. I gasped to the sight in front of me, sick of Luke doing this. I made my way to the kitchen and opened the fridge, making a disgusted look at what was happening at the moment. I immediately closed it, with all the force I could, making the girl nearly scream at the sight of me.

"Get out." I said in a serious tone. Maybe I was just being mean, I thought at first, but then I wasn't, it was my apartment that I lived in and I wasn't going to tolerate Luke bringing girl's home everyday.

The girl fixed her hair, exposing her pale skin to me and ruined makeup. She grabbed her phone and walked out my door. Luke stared at the ceiling, biting his lip and squinting his eyes.

"You have nice crown molding on your ceiling." He said as I crossed my arms, waiting for him to explain what I just witnessed.

"Luke, I didn't let you stay here just to come home and see a girl on top of you." I said, motioning to my sofa.

He looked at me sighing, crossing his arms and popping his hip, mocking the position I was in. "Aren't you cute?"

I lightly chuckled, and so did he, but I knew that I was getting fooled to easily.

"Luke, I really think you should leave." I sighed.

"I'm sorry, but that's not gonna happen." He said, scrunching his nose, smiling right after.

"And why is that?" I said, raising my eyebrow in confusion. A chuckle came out of his mouth, causing me to be even more annoyed. "Stop with your fuckboy act and get out."

"I'm not a fuckboy!" He nearly screamed back, playfully.

"Luke, you're 75 percent fuckboy, and 25 percent legs." I said.

"Claire, you're 75 percent brain and 25 percent hot as fuck." he bit his lip ad I rolled my eyes.

"Stop with this! You're hella annoying!" I started to get frustrated.

"Who the fuck says hella now?" Luke chuckled, trying not to laugh even harder.

"I do, now you should leave." I said, pointing to the door. He sighed, picking up his jacket. He threw the same shirt I lended him in the morning over his head, exposing his bare body, causing me to stare.

"Okay, now go before I change my mind." I said, looking at the ground.

A smirk grew across his face before heading out the door and closing it.

from: unknown number- claire! its cal

from: ClairE- oh hey i just kicked Luke out

from: chingchong- Yay! Now I know you're safe

from: ClairE- I'm always safe, don't think anything else okay?

from: Jk Calum- I'm trying not to think of anything else, but you're all I think about.

from: ClairE- smooth

from: CalCal- Oops!

from: ClairE- now i gotta clean up Luke's shit(: how about i'll text you later and we can hangout tomorrow after school?

from: CalCal- Hey I'll just come over now and help you with that shit of Luke's

from: ClairE- no, its okay. I just rinse these piles of dishes that were used by Luke(: I'll see you tomorrow

from: CalCal- Alrighty. See you tomorrow

Yall, Luke is hot ok its making it so hard for me to stay in Calum's lane.


-jan x

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