12- drugs

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"You look so beautiful." Calum said, holding out the door for me. I got in and crossed my legs, setting down my sling bag on the floor. "There's a very special girl I want you to meet. I always tell her so much about you."

I smiled, knowing that it was his mom. I've always wanted to meet his mom since she gave birth to such a handsome human being.

"She'll be joining us for dinner?" I asked. Calum nodded, smiling.

We talked about our childhood, what we mostly did in our free time. It was exciting learning about Calum and his life. He was so active with sports, his friends, his family. He never left anyone out which was great to know.

I stepped inside the restaurant which was extremely fancy. Relieved that what I was wearing was presentable with the atmosphere.

"Calum, this place looks crazy expensive." I chuckled as the waiter showed us to our table. He laughed aswell as I saw a blonde teenager, smiling.

"Calum!" She said, walking and smiling towards him. They hugged eachother as I stood there, confused. This was not his mother.

"You must be Claire. Oh my, Calum has told me so much about you. I'm Jasmine, his girlfriend." She held her hand out to me as my heart felt like it's been stabbed a few times.

"I haven't even asked you yet." He smiled, standing close to her. They both laughed as I stood there, confused.

"Calum, you didn't tell me you were seeing someone else." I lightly chuckled.

"Someone else?" Jasmine questioned.

"We aren't- exclusive, are we?" He said to me. I closed my eyes as those words shattered my chest.

Jasmine looked at me and then at Calum. I looked to the ground instead of making eye contact.

I really did like Calum, he was just so sweet. He seemed so protective and I loved that. He was the kind of guy who comforted you in your worst times.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't be here." I said, walking out as I heard footsteps behind me.

"Hey, what just happened?" Calum said as I turned around. I rubbed my temple, causing a few tears to come out.

"I thought you liked me." I said, biting my lip.

"I do like you, but I like Jasmine too. We've been seeing eachother for awhile. I just wanted to go out with you to see who I would actually want to be with." He said, holding my hand.

"You're just like Luke. You test girls, you play them." I said, as I started crying. I felt like someone hit my body with a million bricks, I felt so weak.

"No. I'm not like Luke! I'm so different!" He said, as I stepped away from him.

"No! You're like a fucking clone of him!" I said.

His eyes started to droop once I was a few feet away from him.

"I'm sorry, I just never thought you would react this way. Claire, if you wanna be frien-"

"It's fine." I said, breathing out.

"Please don't be upset. You still have Luke. I mean, the way he described your kiss really-"

"Described?" I growled.

"Yeah, he told me how you guys kissed. I'm heart broken about that too, you know." He said.

"Excuse me, Hood, but I'm not the one going out with two girls at the same time. Don't say you're brokenhearted. And that kiss that Luke and I shared-" I paused. "I bet it's better than any touch of your lips."

"You're super confusing, Claire! Last week you told me that he was the worst person alive and how much of an asshole he is." He raised his voice.

"Whatever. Jasmine is probably waiting for her magic carpet ride." I scoffed, crossing my arms. Calum was right. I was super confusing. Maybe it was the way Luke and I kissed. Maybe it changed the way I felt about him.

to: luke- pick me up now

to: claire <3- Right now? where the fuck are you?

to: luke- a restaurant idk track me

Another tear went down my cheek as I looked at my iPhone. I did like Calum, but I didn't love him so there was no need to be upset because we weren't even official, but I really liked him. He was so sweet and smart and everything a girl would want in a guy.

"Get in." A voice said. It was Luke in his car. I got up from the bench and got into his car.

"Are you okay?" Luke asked, placing his hand on my thigh.

"Don't fucking talk to me just drive me home." I hissed, turning my body the other way to the window.

The car ride was silent, just how I wanted it to be. I then realized the car came into a complete stop once we reached my apartment.

Luke followed me into my house as I set my bag down, looking in the mirror. I didn't know who the hell that girl in my reflection was. The girl with ruined make up and a black dress that hugged her body so perfectly. The girl with black high heels and her hair in perfect curls, loose bracelets hanging around her arm.

"Why the fuck did you tell Calum that we kissed?" I said, turning around to Luke. I felt the heat fuming up to my head.

"Because he deserved to know." Luke said.

"I wanted a chance with that boy." I mumbled.

"You wouldn't have gotten one since Jasmine was in the way." Luke said.

I made my way to the kitchen, grabbing a glass of water and gulping it down. I swallowed slowly, wanting every drop of water to go down my throat.

"I know." I said, as my voice faded.

"You know-" Luke paused, walking towards me and staring at my lips as I licked them. I took steps back until my back hit the wall, the only the seperating Luke and I's bodies were our clothing. "I really enjoyed that kiss."

"It was for a workout." I whispered, heavily breathing.

And like that, Luke crashed his lips against mine, causing my head to hit the wall once. I kissed him back as my hand tugged on his hair. He bit my lip gently, still pushing me against the wall. I slid my tongue into his mouth as he did the same. A small smirk drove into our kiss. I became more alert of what was happening, but that didn't stop me. I was enjoyed this moment. His lips were so soft, something you would want to kiss forever and that's what I wanted to do. I didn't want this kiss to stop, nor did I want it to keep going. "Confusing Claire" was taking over my body again once I begged him for more.

His hands roamed tugged on the bottom hem of my dress as I broke the kiss, smiling as he did the same.

"Luke Hemmings- you're a fucking drug."

that last sentence thing was supposed to be cute and shit but i failed lmao i fail at everything


-jan x

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