37- operation give luke a boner pt 2

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Luke's position went from leaning against the wall to full on standing up and right infront of my face. Before I could ask him what was wrong, he placed his hands on my shoulders, "What the hell are you wearing?"

I shrugged, feeling his hot breath and spoke, "A dress." He pierces his eyes at me before letting out a laugh that had no humor in it whatsoever. "I can dress however I want; In fact, I could be naked right now and you have no say in it." I said.

Olivia stood awkwardly beside me before coughing and dragging my arm again to the corner of the house. Luke walked the other direction as I sighed. "Claire, you're supposed to give him a boner not give him the feeling you're getting in his pants tonight." she laughed as I did the same. "No, but that dress looks great on you, you're the only person who can pull it off."

Olivia handed me a drink before I could feel someone's presence beside me. The person's petite shadow made me turn around to see Krissy who was smiling. Now that I look closer at her, you can really tell she's sick. Her droopy lids and tired eyes all seem to show that what she's been going through was hard. "Claire! It's so nice to see you." She said as if she was surprised to see me.

"You too." I cracked a fake smile. I had every right to not want to look at her. Maybe it's the way her thin lips reminded me that they were once on Luke's, or her forehead and cheeks were kissed by him constantly. I couldn't think of anything else, but that I was standing infront of the person I love's current girlfriend right now.

"What a nice dress, now where's the rest of it?" she tilted her head, "Although, it does look a little tight on you, are you sure you got the biggest size on the rack?" a smirk grew on her face, causing me to have a certain urge to slap her there and get it over with.

Olivia stepped in, her heels clicked once it came in contact with the floor, "We don't want any trouble."

Krissy scoffed and shook her head, crossing her arms and looked at Olivia. "Oh, I don't either. But here we are, right?"

I rolled my eyes as I walked passed her, purposely pushing her shoulder, causing her to spill her drink; liquor that she shouldn't even be drinking due to her condition.

Someone tugged my arm, and by the looks of his brown hair messed up, and a cheeky smile on his face, I could tell he was indeed drunk already. Calum smiled and patted my shoulder as I stumbled a little, "You made it!" he slurred. I chuckled, taking his hand off of my shoulder and smiling.

"I already saw you when I walked in, silly." I said. His mouth formed an "o" as he nodded his head and pulling his body towards me as I tried to push him away. "Calum-" I grunted. "Stop."

"Can I just say, I just recently noticed how hot you look tonight." His words spoke out of his mouth as I continued to push him away, but due to his strength, I just couldn't.

"You don't mean it." I glared.

"Oh, but I do." He smirked back. His grip around my waist wasn't as forceful anymore, so I was able to snake out of his arms.

The music was getting louder and more people began walking in as I spotted Olivia talking to Stacy, a girl I haven't seen in a very long time. Sadly, her parents got divorced, her cat died, Jake broke up with her, and her cousin got in a car accident.

Once Stacy noticed me, I noticed she got a lot skinnier too, for the best- I guess. You could definitely spot her curves much easier and her makeup was so much better. I was just waiting for Ally to show up and then the whole high school group would be together again, something I missed. We'll all be going our separate ways in a few weeks to college. Even though Ally and I still have tension between us, I will miss her and her smile and just having a best friend.

Stacy pulled me in for a hug and explained why she didn't call me and what college she was going to.

"Mr. Lip Ring is looking at you." Stacy pointed behind me. I turned around and he really was. He quickly headed for the stairs as I followed him. I didn't know if I was supposed to follow him or not, but I did anyways because Luke Hemmings was worth following.

My hands touched the railing of Calum's staircase as Luke opened the door to Calum's room. I've never been inside of it, but I'm guessing it smelled like teenage boy.

I opened the door seeing Luke sitting down on Calum's bed smiling at me. "You followed me."

"I still think about you; like a lot." I chuckled, putting my hands behind my back.

"I know. I do too, but it makes me sad because you don't deserve me. I don't want you getting hurt by me anymore. Physically and emotionally. I hate seeing you cry and be in pain, also me being the reason. You need someone to make you happy." Luke replied. I wanted to say he was right, and say that I'll find someone who will treat me better, but Luke didn't treat me like nothing. It's just that he left me for someone who needed him.

"You did make me happy!" I exclaimed. "I was the happiest with you! You may have not turned me on, or bought me a million puppies, but you made me feel like Beautiful was my first name. You made me laugh, and bought me ice cream on my period. Jesus Christ, Luke, you stood up for me when my mom was being rude." I approached him, grabbing his hands and holding them, "You made me feel alive."

Luke smiled, as I did the same. Even though I didn't give Luke a boner tonight, I felt honest for the first time. And every first time I experienced, I promised myself it would be with Luke. [like loosing ur virginiry rite??]

Now watch me whip

I got my braces off today

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