Chapter 2: names

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              "B-But I want to hear the rest!" Coyotekit pleaded, looking up at the old she-cat
"You need sleep, come back tomorrow" Charredfeather purred laying down and curling her tail over her body
"Coyotekit? Foxkit?" The familiar voice of Bubbleflight snuck into the den
"Coming, mom!" Foxkit yelled running over to the mottled queen, Coyotekit following close behind
"Bye, Charredfeather!" He called to the she-cat
"Good-bye youngster" she meowed back, putting her head on her paws
"Bubbleflight, I can't wait to become an apprentice!" Foxkit bubbled with excitement
"Foxkit, your too young for that! Your only one moon, wait six more moons and you guarantee will become a Warrior apprentice" Bubbleflight promised "yes, mother" Foxkit meowed dissatisfaction edged her mew. Coyotekit thought about what his warrior name would be, Coyoteclaw? Coyotefleck? No. He was gonna be leader! Coyotestar, what a nice name!
"Coyotekit?" Sandblaze's mew rung in his ear "come here!"
"Comming mama!" Coyotekit meowed, running over to the nursery "here!" He purred, bursting into the nursery "it's time to sleep, Coyotekit" the pale she-cat meowed sadly. Coyotekit tilted his head and snuggled up to his mother
Coyotekit twitched his ear, still asleep "Let all cats old enough to climb, gather beneath the Sand Stump for a clan meeting!" Webstar's yowl rang across camp. Coyotekit was wide awake now "It's our Apprentice ceremony!" A new voice squeaked "Let's go Mousekit!" She purred running out, a flash of gray flew through his vision "Poolkit! Mousekit!" A black she-cat meowed "they never learn." She sighed "Is it really their Apprentice ceremony?" Coyotekit asked, baffled by the two kits' behavior. "Yes, Coyotekit!" She hissed "woah, calm down! What's your name anyways?" Coyotekit asked "I'm Nightpetal," The black she-cat meowed
"...Then your names will be Mousepaw and Poolpaw. Blazingleaves, you have shown strength and perseverance through your time as a guard, I trust you will pass this down to Mousepaw," Webstar looked at the white-and-amber tom then at a dark gray tom "Rainfur, you are known for your hunting and generosity, please pass this down to Poolpaw" he purred
"Mousepaw, Poolpaw, Mousepaw, Poolpaw!" The clan chanted, Coyotekit felt happy for the two new apprentices. Who knew Mousepaw could be a guard apprentice a and Poolpaw a warrior apprentice! "Are you going to cheer, Coyotekit?" Foxkit asked "no" Coyotekit hissed
"Wow, we've got an angry squirrel over here!" Foxkit purred
"Ugh" Coyotekit sighed laying in his nest. Foxkit really annoyed him!
"C'mon, Coyotekit! Let's go get prey!" Foxkit meowed "I'm not hungry!" Coyotekit snapped "you sure?" Foxkit pushed "YES!" Coyotekit hissed "Woah! Calm down, Kei"
Did she just call me Kei?
"Whalp. I'm gonna get a nuthatch," Foxkit purred "ARE YOU SURE YOUR NOT COMING WITH ME!" Foxkit yelled
"OH MY STARCLAN YES!" Coyotekit yelled
"Okay" Foxkit meowed, trotting off
Dear StarClan, please let me not have a nest next to Foxkit!
Coyotekit's belly started to rumble nope, nope I'm not going out there! His belly started to rumble more ok fine! The brown-silver tom stood up and padded out, smelling the air he looked at the pile of fresh-kill. It was low! There was only a quail, two squirrels, a few Dark-eyed Juncos a Pigmy nuthatch and a small mouse, Coyotekit decided to take the mouse but when he turned around a big ball of amber fur was right in his face "gah!" He jumped up and landed in the fresh-kill pile, out of the corner of his view Foxkit could be seen laughing her tail off "hey! You scared me!" He hissed. Another cat padded up to the two kits and giggled, "well, I didn't know we served coyote in PineClan!"
Foxkit stopped laughing slowly "hi, Ivypaw!" She purred "hey, Foxkit" the gray tabby answered "I was just getting prey"
"Now if you'll excuse me," Ivypaw purred, picking up Coyotekit by the scruff and putting him next to the fresh kill pile "I have prey to eat" Ivypaw purred

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