Chapter 3: dens

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           "Coyotekit!" The familiar voice of Foxkit meowed "yeah?" He asked "it's my apprentice ceremony today!" She mewed excitedly. One more moon Coyotekit thought getting up and padding outside of the nursery "let all cats old enough to climb, join beneath the Sand Stump for a clan meeting!" The familiar voice of Coyotekit's father, Webstar, called. Bubbleflight padded up to her four kits "Foxkit, behave. Wildkit, don't break anything. Frostkit, sit still. Thistlekit, be nice. Now go my kits!" She purred
"C'mon, guys!" Foxkit called to her brothers and sisters. Coyotekit sighed looking at them, what rank would they be? Coyotekit peered out of the nursery. Thistlekit was bulky, he would be a guard.
"Foxkit, Frostkit, Thistlekit and Wildkit please step foreword." The leader called "these four kits have reached their seventh moon of being a kit, it is now time for their apprentice ceremony!" Webstar called "Wildkit, until you've reached your final moment as an apprentice your name will be Wildpaw. Sharpfang, you are ready for an apprentice I hope you will pass down your courage and strength down to Wildpaw" Webstar meowed
"Thistlekit, your name will be Thistlepaw. Mossface will pass down her wisdom and boldness down to you"
"Frostkit, your name will be Frostpaw, Bushtail will be your mentor, I hope he will pass down his swiftness and leadership to you" Webstar paused "Foxkit your name will be Foxpaw, I give you the me-" Coyotekit blocked out the words by thinking so what. Sure she's got looks but she's too hyper! And crazy, if she gets Dimflame or Webstar as her mentor it's because they need to teach her about calmness. "Coyotekit, come over here" a soothing meow made Coyotekit's ear twitch Freckleleaf? Or maybe Mountainwish? Whoever it was they smelled of herbs. Coyotekit hopped up and looked behind him, it was a brown tabby, Mountainwish. "H-hello, Mountainwish" Coyotekit flattened his ears "c'mere, I need to speak with you" Mountainwish's emerald green eyes glinted in the Green-canopy sun "okay" Coyotekit answered, padding over to the large tabby "Coyotekit, our destinies are all different, don't bring somecat down because their different. That could be the last you hear of them" Mountainwish disclaimed "Redpaw, Oakpaw, Sweetpaw and Canopypaw please step forward" Webstar yowled "a guard and warrior ceremony?"
"you four have all trained well in guard and warrior training. Redpaw, your name will be Redfruze, Oakpaw your name will Oakblaze, Canopypaw your name will be Canopycloud, Sweetpaw, your name will be Sweetpetal. PineClan welcomes you as full guards and warriors!" Webstar yowled across camp as the clan began to chant the new warriors and guard's names "Oakblaze! Canopycloud! Sweetpetal! Redfruze!" They sang.
Coyotekit looked at the clan, their joyful faces glowing in the dawn's light '' That'll be me one day '' Coyotekit thought, looking at his father. A touch on Coyotekit's tail sent him flying into the air "Hey, Coyotekit, guess who my mentor is!" She asked, practically jumping up and down with delight. "Uhm, Darkflame?" He asked, the warrior was the calmest cat Coyotekit had ever seen, if he was elected Heir he would probably say 'thanks' and pad off!
"No, silly, I got Dimflame!" Foxkit squeaked.
'' Dimflame, huh, should've known '' The tom thought, Mountainwish's words echoed in his ears " Coyotekit, our destinies are all different, don't bring somecat down because their different. That could be the last you hear of them "
Sorry for not giving an update for a while now, school has started and I've gotten writer's block. Should be getting better now though!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2016 ⏰

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