six: mesmerized.

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Makayla's POV

I heard snores making their way outside his lips as my eyes opened; revealing the bright beam of sun bursting through my bedroom window.

In flashes, everything that had happened last night came back to mind and I smiled at the fact I was still in his arms.

Attempting to get up, I moved one leg out of the bed, and tried to get the other out.

I felt myself being pulled back; his arms around me tightening more.

"Don't leave, just lay with me please." He begged.

I nodded, feeling a smile creep it's way onto my face.

After grabbing my phone I went onto twitter, instagram, and other social medias.

"Can I get up now..?" I asked.

"No...." He paused.

"Fine." He said, but still kept his tight grip around me.

"How am I supposed to get up if you won't let go of me?" I questioned.

I yawned as he slowly took his arm from where it originally was.

Honestly it all felt like a bad idea; to love him still, to be in love.

It was all one big cycle.

Affection, love, getting hurt, then forgiving.

And it wasn't what I wanted.

I wanted to be able to always call him mine through thick and thin and to not have any problems.. but that's too easy isn't it?

The world doesn't let the word perfection seize to exist in any shape or form.

I got up, telling him I was going downstairs, to get food and he nodded.

As I made my way down the stairs I noticed my mom wasn't home.

Using my peripheral vision I saw a bright pink sticky note on the counter.

Looking down, I saw the familiar messy handwriting, seemed to be in a rush, known as my mothers.

Got home safely last night, working late again tonight.

Love mom.

I sighed as I crumpled up the sticky note, walking over to the trash to toss it in.

After grabbing a box of pancake mix, I stirred all needed ingredients together and began cooking.

Doing the same thing a couple of times, pouring the mix onto the pan, flipping the pancake, then placing it on a plate.

I was on the last pancake, preparing myself to flip it.

After flipping it I watched the pancake as it began to cook, when I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist.

"HOLY SHIT!" I screamed, jumping into the air.


As I turned around I saw Hayes staring at me, struggling to hold his laughter in as low chuckles came out one by one.

Feeling embarrassed, I awkwardly laughed as heat rose to my cheeks.

I turned around, placing the pancake onto the plate, and looked at the fact half of them were messed up.

Seriously though, how does anyone cook pancakes perfectly?

I handed him a plate with a couple pancakes and watched him devour them all within two minutes or so.

Sadly, I had only finished one in the time he ate all of his. But they were filling enough as to where one was enough for me.

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