nine: untrustworthy.

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Makayla's POV

As we threw around wrappers in the car Nash screamed repeatedly for us to stop, causing us to all burst into laughter.

We had all stopped laughing and Kendall fell off Johnson's lap randomly in matter of seconds.

Trying to save herself, she went into a pose.

"The floor is comfier?" She said, it coming out as more a question.

"Or because you're a fatass and Johnson secretly pushed you off." Vanessa remarked.

"We're here" I heard Nash say.

As I hopped out the van I heard Hayes say something to himself, I couldn't make out the full sentence but I heard a him say 'her.'

I just continued following everyone and saw a house, a large house.

The group of people in front of me blocked the person that had come out the door.

"Hey guys." I heard the voice say, but not just any voice.

The voice was Shawn Mendes.

I sat there, holding the scream I wanted to let out.

I had a small crush on Shawn, your average fan crush.

Once I heard his voice get louder, closer, I prepared myself to speak to him.

Moments later, the Shawn Mendes was standing in front of me.

"Hey, i'm Shawn." He said.

"I'm Makayla.." I trailed off, sticking my hand out for him to shake.

Before I knew it, he pulled me into a comforting hug.

I hugged back, smiling as I was in the arms of someone I admired.

"We met on facetime." He said, and I nodded.

"Oh you also need to meet Savannah." I heard Cameron say, and next thing I knew a girl with hazel eyes and light brown hair.

"Hey, i'm Makayla." I said, shaking her hand.

"I'm Savannah." She smiled.

I saw Hayes walk around in the corner of my eye.

"Hayes!" Savannah excitedly screamed, running over, engulfing him in a large hug.

"Hi Savannah." He smiled, and I could tell it was a real smile.

A small amount of jealously was inside me but I had to keep it in, I mean they were just friends, right?

I shifted uncomfortably, and Vanessa came over to me.

"She's gonna be pregnant soon if they keep hugging." She sarcastically said, and I tried my hardest not to burst into a fit of laughter.

I saw next to the van was another car.

"We're taking two cars." Kendall whispered to me and Vanessa.

We all walked in a line, and I heard Kendall squeal.

"We're like the three amigas!" She exclaimed excitedly.

Vanessa rolled her eyes.

"Three amigos my ass." She mumbled.

I chuckled, and looked around to see Savannah on Hayes' back.

Jealously flooded through my veins.

"You should get on Shawn's back." I heard Vanessa say.

I walked over to Shawn.

"Hey, can I have a piggy back ride?" I asked, smiling.

He nodded, and I hopped onto his back.

"You're so light." He said.

"Sure." I sarcastically replied.

He chuckled, and his laugh was contagious.

I laughed with him also, and I heard someone grunt, I looked over to see Hayes walking with Savannah, her off his back.

I could sense he was jealous.

We all ended up around a campfire minutes later.

Around the campfire, we all sat separately in chairs, and I heard someone clear their throat.
I looked over to see Jack Gilinsky, and he spoke.

"Do you guys wanna play truth or dare?" He asked, and everybody nodded.

"Kendall, truth or dare?" Vanessa asked.

"Dare." Kendall replied.

Vanessa smirked evilly.

"I dare you to go into the woods and play seven minutes in heaven with Johnson." She dared.

"Damn." Johnson said, immediately getting up.

"Okay..." Kendall nervously trailed off.

"I'll set my timer." Nash said.

Once they went off into the I heard Gilinsky say something.

"Hayes, truth or dare?" He asked.

"Dare." He smirked at him.

"I dare you to kiss Savannah." He finished off.

He won't do it, I know it.

If he loves me, he won't kiss her.

And that is when I saw their lips connect.

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