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I wake up half expecting to see my old room in front of me and my cat at my feet. Instead I open my eyes to the small room with the strange rectangle on the wall and the mirror. I remember the black rectangle is called a television. It's quite fascinating actually. Imagine reading a book, but actually seeing the characters right in front of you acting it out! This would probably be considered witchcraft back then. I remember my dream, well can you call it a dream if it's actually a memory? That day actually happened. It was two years ago for me, but many many years for the people living in this year, 2020. That really was the best day of my life. It was happy and simple, there weren't many times like that. I was hiding a huge secret from my family at the time, they didn't know about the power I possessed. Eventually my mother did find out and of course she helped me hide it. She knew I couldn't be evil. I smile at the memory of her as I feel something cold tickling my ear. I sit up and turn around. I gasp as I see that my pillow is covered in snowflakes and ice. I pull my blankets off to find cat hair, just as I used to. I can almost smell the stew from my dream lingering in the air. I hear a knock at the door as I am jumping out of bed, confused. It's Hailey (the frizzy haired girl). She immediately notices the snow on my pillow, which is now melting. Instead of looking surprised she just gives me an understanding smile as she brings my breakfast in. Suddenly I remember I was shot, and everything that happened that day comes rushing back. I immediately look down at my shoulder but there's nothing wrong with it. I am beginning to have a love/hate relationship with magic.
"The boy?" I choke out.
  "He's fine." That's all she says before leaving the room, my breakfast on the table in front of me. I sit down and grab a book from under the bed because I'm too nauseous to eat.

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