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(A/N) Hey everybody!!! This is the prologue to DEFY and we apologize for making it so short, but we're the kind of people that like to write short chapters and update quickly. Don't worry we promise the chapters will be longer than this.

We are not professional authors, so we would appreciate helpful tips on grammar or other things like that. We know that some people will like this story, and some won't, but please no hateful comments. Anything helpful is greatly appreciated though.

We hope you enjoy!!! Please vote comment and fan!

(P.S) we write these on our iPods/iPads so we can not post banners or pictures. Sorry for that.

P.S. don't worry, I'm not insane I'm writing this with a friend of mine if you were wondering about the we thing.


They do not know we exist. We are unheard of, ghosts in their perfect world. We float by, but we do not intrude. For if we were to disturb them, they would kill us. Then we would truly be ghosts. Souls that people forgot.

Sometimes it seems our escape was pointless. That it would have been better to stay. Then the images come back. The thoughts, or rather, lack of thoughts we had when we were there, in that horrible prison with no power and no control. Everyone there is weak, pathetic. Except the government. They have total power, and stand strong and proud above their mindless prisoners.

So we wait. We wait until the government weakens, and then we will strike. Hard and fast. The government will fall, and we will finally have done the one thing that had been on all our minds since we left: defy.

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