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A/N: Hey people!!!! Chapter four is dedicated to me from my co-author for my birthday. (no matter how selfish that sounds) here is chapter four!!!! Hope you enjoy!!!! 

Remember to comment vote and fan PLEASE!!!!!! 

P.S. Again, we are sorry for making the chapter so short.

Chapter Four

The gift was in a small cardboard box, tied with a red bow, matching the one I had placed in my hair. Pop smiled at me, then carefully took the box. I held my breath. What if he didn't like the gift? Pop slowly tore the bow off, then opened the box. I had lovingly stuffed the box with tissue paper, so Pop had to move it out of the way. It crackled loudly. When Pop had finally moved the tissue paper, he stared into the box. I was still holding my breath. Pop was staring in the box with no emotion visible on his face. Then a single tear ran down his crinkled cheek. Without a word, he lifted out my gift to him. It sparkled and shone, even in the light of the kitchen. 

"Oh, Lillian." He breathed.

"I wanted something for you to remember me by." I smiled.  

"Oh, Lillian, my little rebel. My little robin. I will never forget you. Not ever. You hold a special place in my heart." He laughed. "I have something for you too, my rebel. I remembered that your birthday is rounding the corner as well." He said. 

"How did you know?" I asked.  

"Old Pop has his ways." Pop chuckled. He left. I turned my attention to the glass ornament on the table. My present was a small glass robin, lightly coloured reds and browns. It sparkled and shimmered, as if someone had sprinkled it with fairy dust.

I heard Pop return. In his hand was a wad of tissue paper.  

"Old Pop is sorry, Lillian", he said " but you know I'm not good with wrapping." I giggled, then gently took the messy wad. It was lightweight. I unwrapped it slowly, a giant smile on my face. I gasped. Nestled into the tissue paper was a beautiful, shining ring. It was gold, with the word Freedom etched on it. "It's so perfect." I whispered. I removed my necklace with my parents rings, then slipped my new one on, too. I smiled wide. I was happy, really, truly, actually happy.

When I look back on it, I curse myself for believing that I was going to have a happy ending after all.

I went to bed that night with a feeling that no nightmares would invade me that night. I dreamt about my parents, and robins. It was a good dream.

When I awoke, my world was shattered. I heard a loud knocking on the door. My heart plummeted. Only one type of person had the authority to knock so brutally; the government. I willed Pop not to open the door, but I heard the lock slide. 

"Hello?" I heard pop say. Then an unfamiliar voice began to speak.  

"Frederick Derangè, you are to be taken to the prison."

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