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A/N: Hey everybody!!! Double upload!!!! Your welcome! We just wanted to let you know that we don't have chapter four finished yet so it will be a little longer before we update. We will try to update every week but please keep in mind that schedules do change, so please don't get mad if we update a little late. If we can, we will try to update early. Also, don't forget to VOTE, COMMENT, and. fAN!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We really do appreciate it!! 

P.S. sorry for making it another short chapter, but we can't seem to write them longer no matter how hard we try. Hope that's okay. If you REALLY want us to make them longer comment and tell us, and we will work hard to make them longer.


My new room looks exactly like my old one, which kind of scares me, but is somehow comforting. I put Andy in the corner like normal, my clothes in the closet and my guitar on a stand that I found under the bed. The walls are plain white, and there is one window. I walk downstairs. The elderly man is waiting in the kitchen with a cup of tea for me. I thank him and sit down. The tea is hot.  

"You can call me Pop, Lillian, even though it makes feel a thousand years old." Pop chuckles. 

"Okay." I mumble.  

"Well, I think we will get to know each other quite well, young lady. What is your age?"  

"16." I mumble again. Pop gets a sad look.  

"I haven't had anyone your age stay here in a long time. In fact, your the only resident here, not including me." He tells me.  

"Oh." I hear myself say.  

"You must be tired." Pop says. "I'll call you down for dinner when it's ready." He promises. I agree to have a short nap.


The days flew when I was with Pop. He became like a second father to me. For a short while, I was actually happy. Pop and I had many long conversations about the government. I told him about how they had killed my parents, just because they felt like it. It had torn me up inside, but I had told him. In a way, it felt good. But I was no longer happy with the way the government had control. Pop called them the Death Government. I agreed the name was well chosen.

My nights were haunted with the shadows of the Death Government and my parents. Some mornings I would wake up and my pillow would be soaked with my tears.

Pop was always there, listening and comforting. He called me his little rebel. But he always whispers it. He could be killed for the treason of calling me anything different than Lillian. I don't want to lose Pop, too.


Today is exciting. I don't think anything could go wrong. I am even treated with the privilege of going to the bakery down the street, alone. My parents had never let me do that, but Pop knows I can take care of myself. I'm stopping at the bakery to get a cake for Pop. It's his birthday. The first birthday since my parents death. I am determined to enjoy it. 

After school, I walk to the bakery. It's a cute little shop, with a huge window in the front displaying five different cakes. My mouth waters.  

I end up picking a round white- frosted cake with yellow trim. In the middle, it writes: Happy Birthday, Pop! 

I'm so pleased with myself today. I even got Pop a present! On my way home, I wonder how long this happy spell will last. The Death Government has never left me this happy for this long. I push the thought to the back of my mind.

When I get home, I rush inside. There is a note on the table. Pop must be out. It reads: My dear Lillian- I have gone out to get a few groceries. I will be back for dinner. If you are hungry, there is a snack in the fridge. -Pop

I smiled. I had time to get ready. Good. I placed the cake in the fridge, then rushed up to my room. I donned my red evening dress, and tied a matching bow up in my hair. Then I wrapped Pops present. It only looks like a little cardboard box, but it took me forever to get it. Great things come in small packages.  

I put the present on the table. I heat up our supper meatloaf. Pop should be back soon. I hear a knock on the door. When I open the door, I see a Pop nearly collapsing in groceries. Of course all of it is chicken soup, oatmeal and meatloaf, but I helped him anyway. "My! Don't you look brilliant tonight, my little rebel!" He smiles. With just a smile, I give him some meatloaf. We eat quickly. Then I light the candles on the cake, and we sing happy birthday. The cake is delicious. Then I present Pop with my gift.

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