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  • Dedicated to Helena Clare, the true character.

(A/N) Hello, this is my first book. I've wrote a load before but no ones ever seen them so i'm letting the world loose on my nut-job of a brain! Hope you life this story & if not please dont leave haters comments hasnt your mother taught you any manners! Sorry if i cant spell im a little retarded! Hee hee! Thanks for reading this far, Caseye xxxx



I heard a bang from downstairs and a set of raised voices. I picked up Mr.Bunny and shuffled down the narrow stairs of our old cottage. I didn't like walking round the cottage at night it was too cold and shadow's would appear out of no where. As i rounded towards the living room i saw my daddy pinning my step-mommy's hand on the wall. His eye's a deep blue color, they only went like that if he was angry, i didnt like my daddy angry. I knew he was nice deep down, but when he got in a mood he was in a mood!

"How dare you silly little bitch!" my daddy said in a raised tone, he never ever used that tone unless he was truely mad.

"I had to, i had no other choice! They have m-mmmm-my brother!" My step-mommy whimpered, I didn't like my step-mommy she was always teasing me and Timmy about my real mommy's death.  My daddy raised his,now, balled up fist as he was going to hit her. I might of not liked her but i didn't want daddy to hurt anyone. I stepped out from the shadows and spoke up in a tired voice.,

"Daddy, whatcha doing?" Rubbing my eye's.

He dropped his arm, not breaking eye contact with step-mommy, he looked at me his eyes glowing blue now. He smiled as sweet as he could. "Clarey bear get Timmy up and tell him, Riley's on his way." He spat the name out as it was poison. I nodded shyly, trying not to make him mad.

I ran up the stairs as fast my my little legs could let me, I banged on my brothers door to wait for him to open it. He never liked me coming straight into his bedroom without him opening the door, i think its because he has his girlfriend sleeping over and didn't want me to know. He slowly opened the door and looked down to look at me, i must of looked awful, my moosey brown hair knotted and all over the place. He kneeled down to look at me, his dark blond hair cover his deep blue/grey eyes. I ponited down the stairs, "Daddy told me to tell you that a man called Riley's on his way. Who is he a friend?"

His eye's widened. "Crap" he wisphered. "Clarey listen to me, go to your room and go get your special bag from under your bed and bring it here." He smiled but i could see the blueness of his eyes was getting worse, he was angry.


A window from downstairs smashed open. Timmy grabbed me in one swift movement and put me over his sholder, Timmy was shaking. Why was he shaking? "DAD!" He screamed down the stairs, his voice barely keeping.

My Daddy ran up the stair with a bloody gash down his face, he was breathless and shaking. "Timmy take Helena to the safe place, that bitch told them we were here." Timmy shook his head, another bang from down stairs, Timmy flinched. Daddy put his hand on Timmys cheek and said in a hushed tone.

"I love you son, you'll be a great man and mate to some one in the future." Then he focused on me and put his hand on my cheek. "Clarey trust Timmy and no one else. You better be a real heart breaker when your older." He looked at Timmy one last time and ran downstairs were i heard a loud growl. I wanted to stay up and help daddy, what was he talking about? Who was Riley? I yawned not relising that we were already outside.

Timmy holding me in his arms, "Shhh, Clarey go to sleep." He smiled but i saw a tear roll down his cheek. I wanted to wipe it off but i was to sleepy too. I did as he said and hugged my big brother tighter and fell into deep sleep.

The Screwed Up Life Of Helena Clare {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now