Chapter Seven

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  • Dedicated to Shakira, for all the goodtimes

Chapter Seven

Helena Clare's P.O.V

My eye's flittered open. God, I had a banging head ache. The room I was in had one word or a few to describe it. Bloody brilliant. Who ever designed it is now my lover! I was lying on a four-poster bed; the whole room was themed round the colors of green and silver. It looked amazing!

Wait, what am I doing here? Then it all clicked. The guy who knocked me out and the fact now I was in clothes, I was naked under that towel. Okay, just don't think about that fact... but that person when I find them is gonna have their arse wooped. I slipped out of the bed to nose about the room. Only guy clothing in the draws, a poster of Megan fox, a few books and a laptop.

I grabbed it and turned the laptop on. I know what I'll do, go on face book and tell Timmy to come and get me or email him. But will he reply to an email or face book quicker? That's hard. I logged in on the laptop to find it with a password for each of the users, well donkey balls I thought I'll be out for tea time. I threw the laptop into the wall in a strop. Well if I'm gonna be made to stay here I'm gonna make the people who are keeping me here life's hell.

I dumped my bum onto the bed and started to chew my nails, shall I check if the doors open? Well I've seen enough movies to know even if its open there'll be a guard or two at the door. Well I give up.

Some how, while trying to remember all the words to Rolling in the deep, I fell asleep. I was woken by someone scraping something across the bedside table. I opened one lid at a time. I was confronted with a female face. Her eye's blue and hair a deep dark blond. She had a chilling smile on her face; it kinda made her look crazy.

"Hello Helena." She said in a dreamy voice. "I'm Lauren, I better go tell Master and Mistress you’re awake." She got up and practically skipped to the door, she walked straight out.

"Crazy..." I said softly. Lauren popped her head round from the door.

"Pardon?" She said in her dreamy voice, her eyes looking as she was somewhere else.

"Er, er- don't worry poppin dear." She nodded and left, Jesus she was like boarder line crazy. Or maybe she was crazy already. I looked at the bed side table to see a picture. I picked it up to have a closer look. It had that guy who I attacked in it, Dylan. My heart leapt when I saw him in the picture, why did I just do that? I shook my head to get rid of the feeling. Lauren was in the picture and so was a male who I've never seen before. They all looked really happy it was like a family outing picture. I turned the picture over to what was written.

Dylan, Lauren & Riley. Zoo family outing '10.

Wait, Riley? Family outing? Lauren & Dylan? Okay I might be dumb but me thinks that they're a family. It's not the fact it says 'family outing'. I laughed to myself, trust me to be locked in a room by a nutter and be making jokes with myself!

Oh crap can being mad be pasted? Cuz that Lauren girl properly gave it to me; no I don't want to go to a crazy house. Wait if I go to a crazy house does that mean I'll be able to get out of here? Cuz if I can I'm totally going to a mad house, maybe I'll make some new friends there. Yeah I'll go to the nutter house.

I walked over to the door and started banging on it. "HELLO, I'VE GONE CRAZY CAN I GO TO THE MAD HOUSE NOW?" I shouted to the door, I heard a soft click and the door slowly slid open to show Crazy Loz, Lauren, and a random guy. Wait, he looked like the guy in the picture. I picked up the picture and placed it near his head, he cleared his throat. "Wait, I'm a little slow let me work this out." Crazy Loz laughed soft beside him.

Ha! I maybe trapped but I anit going down until I kill at least one person with laughter.

The old guy, whom I think is Riley. Wait, Riley. Holy chicken balls. He was RILEY! Okay he's going down, like hill. He won't know what happened. He'll be like. 'How am I down this hill?' Yeah I'll go that far. I balled my fist and hit him straight in the face, but my hand was stopped by some one else's. They twisted my hand to cause my arm to be pulled behind me. They kicked me down while pinning my arm behind me. They pulled a little more to cause me to scream in pain. Jesus they'll have to teach me this sometime!

"Shakira, don't kill the girl but you can do what you want. But I want her ALIVE!" A chilling voice said. I guess it was Riley. A dreamy laugh left someone’s lips; I guess it was Crazy Loz. The person called Shakira got off me and dragged me out of the room. I would describe the house to you but I was to busy about thinking about what Shakira was going to do to me.

She walked down some stairs to some random room. Dungeon. I thought straight away. Shakira dumped me on a chair and tied me on it with silver chains. Crap, they were burning in my skin. It was just a dull throbbing which after a while hurts like a donkey's arse! The woman stood in fount of me now. I could get a good look at her.

She looked slim and oddly normal. Her brown hair falling just above her shoulders, her brown eyes looked pain and normal. But when you really looked at them you saw the haunting and hurt buried deep within them. It pained me to look at them, but some how she looked familiar. She turned her back to me and started to clank with something. Where have I seen her before?


As she bent over her small of her back showed. It had a tattoo of two snakes, it looked like Dylan. Dylan, his eyes and his hair. Oh god his body! Wait, what Dylan's the enemy. But that tattoo, I've seen it before I saw it on Dylan.

Holy shit. I know who it was.

"Step-Mommy." I croaked out. She turned.

"Yes Clarey dear."


Omg, it's her step mum!! :) I know in the prologue her name was Bethan but you'll find out in the next chapter! Okay, I'm on holiday from the 21st for two weeks so I'll try and upload but ill add loads of chapter before hand!! Lovee u guys,

Caseye xxxx

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