Chapter Eight

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(A/N) Warning this chapter has a bit more swearing then normal plus a bit of voilence.


Chapter Eight

Helena Clare's P.O.V

"Oimygod, Bethan?" I said barely above a whisper. I felt sick to the stomach. She betrayed us to Riley. Bethan spat on the floor, I guess she's forgotten her manners.

"Don't you dare call me my slave name." She growled. Her slave name? But that's the name her parent's gave her? What the dinosaurs back end?

"Your slave name? What the fuck? What the hell's going on?" I growled back at her. She dragged a chair from the corner and put it opposite me and sat on it. She ran her hand through her hair and smiled to herself. Well I guess Crazy Loz's disease can get caught. Get in lock down! Save the children!

"You really don't know what happened do you?" She turned her head to get a better look at me. I shock my head. If I spoke a couple of swear words will be added to the mix. "Your Father,"-she spat the word out of her mouth, dirty little bitch-"Forgot to tell me not to go in the forest on a full moon. And I got this." She pulled her neck line down to show a large scar, it was a bite mark. She was a real werewolf, like full moons and stuff werewolf. But silver doesn't harm them only Panthers. Thanks Mother Nature.

"But, why?" I said gritting my teeth.

"Riley promised me revenge on him, I had to wait a year but it was worth it." She smiled and gazed into my eyes, chilling me to my core. "As soon as we killed your Father, we went after you and Timmy but you were warned and got away. Sadly, I never got to have my fun. So I'll have it now." She stood up and walked towards a work bench.

"Why does he call you Shakira?" I felt my blood leaving my wrists and dripping on to my hands. I felt like I was getting weaker at every drib of blood leaving my body. God help me.

"When I was changed I had to change my whole life. I wanted to leave it all behind. That night your Father died, two people died and one was re-born." She laughed to herself. God she was sick.

She turned round to face me; she was holding two blades in her hands. Both silver. I could smell it. My sense’s heightened. "Sadly I can't send you on your merry way to your Father. But I can get you nearer to him." She placed the blade at the base of my throat. I bit my tongue to stop myself from screaming. The pain was some thing you could never describe. It was worst then shifting.

"Pity, I hoped you'll scream. But I still have time; Dylan will take over in an hour." Dylan? I thought he was locked up at my house. She saw my confusion. "When Riley came to get you he got Dylan as well."

Whilst holding the other knife to the hollow of my throat she placed the other one deeply into my leg. It clipped the bone; my blood started welling out of the new wound. She took the knife from my throat to crouch down. She dripped her finger in the pool of blood now forming on my jeans. Her tongue licked my blood off her finger. I retched. She japed the other blade in my other leg, it now freely flowing in blood.

"Your blood says you've found your mate, I always knew you'll be a slag like your Mother." What? My Mother? And she just ate some of me, weirdo!

"My Mother?" She smiled and walked towards the work bench, I guess to get more things to make me cry out in pain at. The two blades in my legs were becoming painful beyond belief. I let out a grunt of pain, Shakira laughed.

She walked towards me with three more blades. "Yes, I was at school with your Mother and Father. I knew there was something wrong with them. Well I'm bored of this chit chat." She smiled at me and stabbed a knife in both arms and one in my stomach. Of course it won't kill me but it bloody hurts.

The pain was over whelming. It must of been so bad to knock me out because everything went black.

_____________________________A while later........

I was woken by the sound of flicking pages. I opened my eyes and saw Dylan, my heart leapt. Why do I keep doing that? Yeah I'm happy I could get a crush at a time like this but this didn't feel like a crush. It felt too deep inside me, like at my heart. My Cat was begging to be nearer him, to touch him. To hug him. To kiss him.

Oh did I really just think that?

I took in what was happening. I saw still tied up, the knife's were now gone and the silver chain was replaced with rope. Thank-you sweet baby Jesus! Dylan was sitting in the seat were Bethan or 'Shakira' was. I looked to see what he was reading, Twilight. I laughed, really Twilight? That's just taking the piss!

Dylan looked up, his eye's catching mine. My heart leapt out of chest; really I bet if I looked at the floor it'll be there! He raised his eyebrow as if he was asking a question. 

"Twilight." I said and we both burst out laughing. I bent down to laugh but instead of laughing I screamed in pain. My wounds hadn't healed and I'd just pulled them open again. Dylan quickly came to my aid.

He untied my hands, I fell head first into the floor. He ran to me and turned me to face upwards. His each touch sending shocks through my body. He places his hand on the wound on my tummy. He held my head up and started to stroke my hair. He gazed into my eyes. Bloody hell it was like one of those girly films which have the hunk which is dribble worthy!

"When I'm with you, I feel complete." Dylan said while brushing my hair from my face. I snorted. He looked hurt.

"No, its just this is totally some rom-co film type of thing!" He laughed with me.

"I guess so. But in that sort of film, this would happen." He leaned in, his nose brushing mine. Oh god. I opened my eyes to see his green ones. He smiled, "This feels right. Even thought you attacked me last time I saw you." I laughed and he mirrored me.

"Just kiss me you fool."

I crashed my lips into his. Fire works exploded all around me. His lips were sweet and soft. I've never kissed anyone before, but I can safely say this is the best one I'll even have. I know this because Dylan was my Mate.

He was mine. And only mine.

I wrapped my arm round his neck deepening the kiss. I could now die happy now. I was in bliss.

The Screwed Up Life Of Helena Clare {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now