Chapter one

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(A/N) Hey guys, thanks for staying and reading for this long! Okay enjoy! :) Caseye xxx


Chapter one

Helena Clare P.O.V

I crossed yet another day off my calendar, two days before my fifteenth birthday. Whenever some one thinks of their fifteenth birthday they think, 'yes, now I can see a fifteen movie legally!' Well I’m not like, well let’s say 'normal' girl. Since I was five my family have been dropping like flies, first Nana Pat and Papa James. Then it was Mummy's turn, I still can't think about her without a tear coming to my eye it been over eight years but I still feel numb inside like a motherly figure missing. My Daddy who was loving but scary had married a different woman after three years of being alone, Bethan. Bethan always made me call her 'Mommy' but I always called her 'Step-mommy' this would wind her up like nobodies business. She'd tell Daddy but he blamed her for being a cow for making lies up about his little girl. We weren't the best of families but we worked. Me, Daddy, Timmy and Step-Mommy. But just after getting over Mummy's death my Daddy and Step-Mommy were taken and I've never seen them since...

I've run up to people in the local shopping centre thinking it was Daddy coming home to look after me and Timmy, but each time it was a confused and creped out ramdomer. I've always begged Timmy or Tim as he likes now to be called as he is now twenty-two, the old git, top tell me what happened that night but each time he would make an excuse and talk about something boring to keep me off track. But a few month's ago I got him to promise, pinkie swear, to tell me what happened that night on the eve of my fifteenth birthday.

He always said 'Why the eve?' well it’s because on my birthday I’ll properly be to hammered to even look at him let alone listen! So one more drooling day of school until I find out.

I felt a hand one my shoulder and suddenly flipped out and grabbed the hand and threw the person over my head to make them hit the floor with a massive "THUD."

"OW! Clarey that hurt you massive hippo!" The person now on the floor said. I shook my head, of course it was gonna be Timmy the dinosaur!

"Well you shouldn't sneak up on people like that Mr.Timmysuar!" I waggled my index finger at him.

"I wasn't, I said your name about four times Clarey Bear!" he said rubbing his head and sitting up.

"Huh?" I said confused.

"I SAID, I called your name about four times and you didn't answer!" He spoke now behind me, he was super quick like wow-I-didn't-see-you-move quick!

I turned to face him and blow air into his face. I turned to run downstairs away from him but he grabbed my arm. I looked at his face and said so quietly I could barely hear him. "We're not alone." I froze, I looked at his eyes they were starting to turn a bright blue colour. His eye's tiggled at the back of brain like I’ve seen them before, but I had no clue were.

He let go of my arm and started laughing, no wait howling. "You should have seen your face!" He said between breaths. I smacked the back of his head.

"You utter fool, I like wet myself" I stamped on the floor, I know childish but if you knew how Timmy could be you'll be doing the same too.

"That was the idea Clarey, picture perfect moment!" His brown mop of hair covering his sweaty forehead, I looked at what he was wearing. A white nikey tee, sweat pants and a pair of running trainers. Wow, he looked better then I and I were trying to look good in what I was wearing! He had that six-pack which looked like he had it but was like obsessed with the gym. A lot of girls liked him; I should know if I go shopping with him you can't believe how many death glares’ I get off girls! I'm like 'I'm not into going hillbilly style with my brother'. I normally flipped off at the girls who did that which made them even madder, oh well!

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