chapter 8

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when we reached starbucks . we walked to the counter.

"hey how can help yo-" the women stoppes when she looked at me.

"Do I have an insect on me ! " I panicked.

"No, no sorry. I was just surprised by something. " she said quickly.

"yeah, it's what is it?" I asked.

"You're wearing a pajama to a coffee shop and it's hard to find girls like this in this days." she explained.

" is that something bad?" I asked unsure.

"oh, nono that is just something that is very good cause no make up no perfect outfit and you still look should be thankful. " she said.

"I hate make up." I said in a hateful tune which made Kaven laugh.i looked at him and said "what do u want to drink?" I asked.

"whatever you want. " he said.

I turned to the women on the counter and said "anything that has alot of sugar."

"wait I hope u know that sugar can make u fat." Kaven said surprised.

"and who told u I care ?" I told him slowly.

"so u don't watch your weight? " he asked.

"hell na."I said while we were walking to a table and he was following.

"why?" he asked when he sat on chair.

"I mean, how can I explain this again."I paused thinking and he was staring.

"because I only live life once !" I said cheerfully because I quickly said it immediately that came up to my head.

"that is a good explanation. when I usually come with girls here they usually ask the women for something that doesn't have sugar at all and at last they end up having-" he paused for a minute.

"they end up having what?" I asked.

"ah . water" he said.

"you know these type of girls I call them sick-headed because I understand they don't want to be fat but even being skinny also a good idea. medium will be perfect." I explained.

"you're not skinny." he told me.

"I know. am medium." I told him.

"you know something?" he said.

"what?" I said.

" if I told any other girl that she's not skinny I will be slapped right away. do u know why." he asked.

"listen for me it's okay . you just have to know to who your talking, to what kind of person. if you tell a girl who just told the person on the counter they want anything with no sugar make sure u don't tell her that." I explaind.

"so what should I tell her?" he asked.

"what kind of question is that!" I shouted."after all this explanation you are asking me what you should tell her.the opposite dummy. " I freaked out.

"I knew that answer am not that stupid." he said laughing.

"so why did you ask?" I asked with a serious look.

"I wanted you to freak out." he laughed.

"that's not funny." I said in a serious tune but when I said 'funny' I let out a small laugh.

the women came and gave us a really sugary thingy.i loved it but couldn't finish it so Kaven finished his own and then finished my remaining.


we reached home and I headed to my room straight. it was 7:00pm and I was so tired so decided to go grab something from our fridge because since 12am I had no heathy thing inside my mouth.i finishes it and went to my room.

when I finished settling the comfortable way to sleeping and was about to close my eyes my phone 'dinged'.

I stretched my self and unplugged it and I sat on my bed .

Kaven-what are u doing?
Me-was about to closs my eyes when I heard that stupid ding thing.
Kaven-i hope u know tomorrow is Saturday.
Me-yeah I do.
kaven-so why sleeping this early?
Me-i have to help mom with the work tomorrow.
Kaven-mmm ok. so what time tomorrow will u be done?
Me-i don't seriously know.because I have to see your mom tomorrow.
Me-she told me she wanted to see me today.
Kaven-oh ok. so when you're done tell me tom.

I plugged my phone back and closed my eyes.


I woke up 6 am today and now it's 12am .

Am at the kitchen washing the dishes of their breakfast. Kaven is still sleeping, I wonder what time he slept yesterday.

"Maria." I heard my name by an old lady. I turned to see Mrs Lox standing.
I quickly bowed my head .

"morning maam." I said while looking at her.

"Morning. I told u I wanted to see u yesterday. so when you're done with the dishes see me in the living room." she said and I nodded.

After about 10 minutes I finished and I quickly went to the living room.

"am here maam." I said quietly.

"ok so I brought you here for us to talk about Kaven." she said. wait.about who?kaven? oh no.

"yes what about him maam." I said politely.


"yea what about him maam." she said politely.

I am up stairs hearing what was happening down. what about me? what does it have to do with Maria?

lets see.


"See dear I know exactly what you are trying to do and I don't blame you because a rich young boy is talking to you and you think you can play him for his money. But I Mrs Lox won't let that happen and if you don't know I already have a rich girl in my mind called sandy so stay out of the way." she said harshly. oh my God how can someone be that mean.

"Sorry but I guess u get it wrong. I and Kaven are just friends I swear. and I don't like Kaven more than a friend. am not using him for money , am good with what I have and very grateful."I explained while my eyes are getting watery but I couldn't cry.

"See Maria am not Kaven for you to lie at . I know exactly what you want and what you are thinking of doing but as I told you stay away from him so you'll make me let your parents into this situation and you know your parents work here so it will be easy for me to destroy you life." she said.

"but-" I was trying to finish when she cut me of.

"I don't care about what you are about to say. now I gave you a chance so use it. thank u for coming. and by the way make your mom do Kavens room every single day and I don't want to see u near.there is that clear?"

"yes." I said while crying. I went to my room.


I can't believe what I heard. I know that Maria is not like that and I 100% know that. I felt bad. I know what you're thinking 'why couldn't he stand for her' you will know soon.

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