Report: 1st week of high school.
I... have SURVIVED!!!!! AND HAD QUITE A FEW MEMORABLE EXPERIENCES.... just a few..Read them! x.x
1. I might have sorta kindaaa fangirled in class because cute boy sitting right next to me in english decides to start playing with his hair. Like no. If i cant play with your hair, neither can you. And i might have sorta like been screaming silently but a sound came out and he looked at me like a weirdo .-.
2. I beat said boy and the rest of the class in a math competition... mhm im the top nerd.... even if it was just multiplying...
3. i might have fallen in love with another cute boy... even tho he seems like he's gay.. jumping to conclusions here lmao..ahhh an unrequited love
4. During lunch seniors decide to use a speaker and blast music throughout the cafeteria for the whole week XD
5. Oh i have my own locker for the first time
6. Realized that anime is really popular among the visual cluster, which im in xp
7. I used the ice cream vending machine, yummmmmmm
8. Realized that seniors arent asses
9. Realized that there isn't ugly people in my school -_- like ligit there are people that arent that attractive but they arent ugly ugly
10. i have flex, gym, all year.
Lol tell me about your beginnings of schooooool