28th of November

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Sang's POV:
It has been about a week and every middle of the night I wake up feeling sick again. And every near hour later I'm in, whoever boys room I'm in at the time's, bathroom throwing up.

The first few times the boys took what - for their standards is regular treatment when im ill - but now that I'm sick every night they're even worse! It's not that I don't love and appreciate all the love and care from them, but they are seriously over the top right now. I woke up around when I normally do last night to have Gabriel peering down on me with intense and calaulating eyes. He stayed that way for about a minute then texted someone. Five minute's later Victor, Gabriel, Luke and North are in my room surrounding me. None of them said anything they just watched.

I know I'm not well at the moment but COME ON! They watched me! Why did they need to watch me?

Currently I am downstairs in our large living room. It has soft beige walls with two three-seater black leather couches a smooth dark brown coffee table with several light brown coffee mats (hand-made by Silas) all around it. One couch is along the length of a wall with the door to the kitchen on it, the other is a few feet away from the patio doors with it's back turned on them. The patio doors lead to the garden. Facing the couch on the wall is large sleek black TV with a shelf underneath it containing the various game units on it. We have a book case to the left of this couch with knick-knacks strategically placed on top. To the right is the door to the aforementioned kitchen. The left of the TV is a tall thin book case painted white and in it our are many games for each of the game unit's. On the other side of the coffe table : opposite the couch: is a one-seater black leather chair the same kind as the couches. Behind the chair are windows to the front lawn and drive.

I am on the couch, facing the TV, laying wrapped in a blanket like a burrito waiting on the chicken soup that Luke is apparently making me... Again!

Victor had to go out on a mission and he dragged Gabriel with him for something for Gabriel to do since so far all he has done is sit there watching me occasionally asking questions of how I was doing. He said that he didnt know what to do and that taking care of someone isn't in his 'fucking wheelhouse'.

North however was a different story he has done everything he can possibly think of to make me more comfortable and to make me better sooner. He has also been asking me non-stop how I was doing and relative questions like that, I eventually sent him to go finish Gabriel's bike since he was just pacing.

Luke's POV:
We are all doing everything we can think of to make Sang comfortable... and better. Don't forget better. I am now making chicken soup. Its the third chicken soup I made her this week but other than that and ice-cream what other comfort foods are there? Well... there is chocolate but my amazing brother yelled at me for even suggesting it.

I throw down the the wooden spoon in frustration and pick up the soup bowl and spoon before taking it to Sang.

The kitchen has light blue walls with medium brown cabinets to the side opposite the windows to the back yard. The sink is under the window next to the draining board and on the other side the dishwasher. Under the cabinets is a granite work top with a fridge at the very end in the corner at the end of the work top. The work top has cabinets and drawers of all sizes underneath it to. At the other end is the door out into the hallway. In the middle of the kitchen is an oblong island with stools on one side and on the other side is a buit in hob with an oven underneath. The stools have metal legs with a round red leather seat on top a door opposite the island leads into the dining room.

I walk into the living room to see Sang laying on the couch with Josey across her legs asleep. God, even sick that woman looks like an angel.

"Hey Sang, I got you your Chicken soup" I coo to her.

"Thank you, Luke" Sang tiredly says the reaches out her arms for the bowl and quickly start eating it.

I take the seat and watch her eat it. Once she's done I take the bowl and rinse it out before putting it in the dishwasher with the spoon. I go back into the living room to find Sang curled up into Josey with the blanket around her ankles. I slowly drape the blanket over Sang - kiss her forhead before I go around the house to sort out what the rest of the animals need doing, then I'll do it. After I'll take on the slow and tiresome job of cleaning the house before making me Sang and North dinner.

North's POV:
I grunt and throw down that damn spanner. Why won't my beautiful Sang baby get better we have done everything we can think of to make her better! And why is Sean not back so that he can fix whatever fucking problem that is going on with my baby? He needs to get back. She needs a doctor, so that she can get better. I grunt again.

I pick up hammer and start trying to fix Gabe's mother fucking bike. It's not even a real bike. Baby sent me out here as soon as I started pacing for the third time today. She told me in the sweetest way possible to fuck off. I think she is getting annoyed with all of us for what we are doing. It's just none of us know what to do or how to make it better. She has been sick for over a week and she is not showing any signs of getting better so I have made a decision that if she is not better in a week I am taking her to the doctors no matter what she says. I'll throw her over my shoulder and drag her the whole way their if she even suggests against it. Fuck! She has to get better.

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