Chapter 19: balancing a career

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"Babe, seen my keys?" Harry asked. I'm in the kitchen making muffins.
"No." I said. He wrapped his arms around me and kissed me.
"Still little tender." I say.
"I just want you." He said. He kissed my neck.
"Harry go to work." I say. He laughed.
"Need my keys." He says. I looked down and Maybree has them in her mouth.
"Yucky." I say.
"Yuck." She says. I bend down and take them away.
"You got my keys?" Harry asks. I pick her up.
"You give daddy kiss?" I ask.
"Kiss." She puckers her lips and kisses Harry. He kisses me.
"Say bye-bye."
"Bye!" She yells. I laughed.
"Bye Maybree. Bye babe." He says before closing the door.
"Alright missy." I say. Tour is coming up. I don't want to leave my munchkin. But Harry will have her. And GG. I put may down and she crawled over to play with her toys.I walked in the kitchen. The muffins were done and I took them out of the oven and set them on the stove to let them cool. I started making Maybree her breakfast. I got a sippy cup and filled it with apple juice. Maybree was crawling up my leg and fussing.
"Hold on." I say. I out the juice back in the fridge. I picked her up. She's holding her mouth.
"Hurt?" I ask.
"Uh huh!" She says. She started teething and complains a lot. I gave her some medicine and set her in her high chair. I took off her shirt or it gets really stained. I fed her breakfast. After the muffins cooled I have her one. She really liked it. Food was all over the kitchen.
"What am I going to do with you?" I asked. She giggled. I wiped down her hands and face. I let her play with her toys while I cleaned up the mess.
"Dusty, down." I say. Harry's cat is so sweet but he can be a butt too. He meowed.
"Don't back talk. Go away." I showed him was snowing today. It looked really gorgeous out. I was board and I looked up houses online while may napped. I found a few. I was starting to hurt so I took my medication. It's Christmas Eve eve.
"Alright, you want to run a few erenns?" I asked. She didn't say anything. I changed her diaper and called rocky for a car. We walked to the lobby and waited.

We picked up hot chocolate for everyone and lunch for Harry.
"Thank you, Rocky." I say.
"Bye." Maybree says.
"Bye may bye Shay." Rocky says. We got out and walked in. The receptionist helped with my things. I felt the hot chocolate out for everyone and went to find Harry. Maybree wouldn't let me pick her up so she crawled. We knocked on the door to the studio.
"Hey!" Jeremy says.
"Hey." I say. The boys are recording.
"How are you?" Ashley asked.
"Little sore, but much better." I say.
"Good to hear." She says. May sat on Jeremy's lap watching her daddy. They finished recording and came out.
"May!" Nail swung her around and she laughed.
"I'm the best uncle." Louis says.
"What are you talking about?" Liam says.
"That's all bull crap." Niall says.
"I'm the dad, I beat all you." Harry takes her from Niall.

" Harry takes her from Niall

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"Toché." Liam says. I laughed.
"You singing through the dark?" I asked.
"Yeah, just for fun." Louis says. Harry looked at me. It was my favorite.
"Kiss?" Harry asked. Maybree kissed him.
"That's freaking adorable." Ashley says.
"That's my girl." Harry says. We laughed.
"You hungry?" I asked.
"Yeah." Harry and I walked to the break room.
"What's the plan for tour?" Harry asked.
"Well the days your working you just need to drop her off at your moms." I say.
"And if she can't, just have fin or Zoe." I say.
"Food wise?"
"Come on you know this. Fruits, veggies, but no carrots." We laughed.
"Apple juice." I say.
"And formula." Harry says.
"See you got it." I say.
"6:30 ish." I say.
"So today I looked at houses." I say.
"You did?"
"Yeah, found a few." I say.
"It is getting pretty crowded." He says. I have a ity bity apartment and Harry had the same one so we need a bigger place.
"You going to keep singing?" Harry asked.
"Of course. Just really hard wen I'm at home with May and recovering." I say. Right now I work 3 days a week. Quinn won't let me work more until I'm fully recovered, which will be hopefully next week.
"Thanks for lunch." Harry says.
"Your welcome." I say. he kissed me.
"Kiss." May says.
"That's right." I say.
"Eat your peas." Harry says. She threw one at his forehead. I laughed.
"In your mouth silly." I say. Harry wipes smashed pea off this head.
"You got an arm." Harry says. She giggles.
"That's my girl." I say. We cleaned up lunch and went home. It was getting colder.

"Awe shit-shoot." Harry says. I laughed harder than I should have.
"Sho." May says.
"What?" I asked.
"We forgot to get a Christmas tree." He says. I laughed.
"Forget?" I ask.
"Don't judge me." He says. So we got back in the car and drive to the store. Maybree was crying through out the entire time we were there.
"Can you look for the pacifier?" I asked.
"Yeah." He looks and looks and looks.
"I don't see it." He says.
"It has to be in there." I say.
"I do t see it." He says. I handed may To him and looked through it. I handed it to him.
"Super mom over here." He said. I took may back. We walked around.
"I hope we don't have that kid who poops in the display toilets." Harry jokes. I laughed.
"We raised her smarter than that." I say.
"That's right." After we got the tree people started recognizing us and we needed to get home. We put the tree up with our 7 ornaments. We put the star on and cleaned up the crap from the tree. I was tired. Harry looked at the houses I found with Maybree.
"You want me to put her down?" Harry asked.
"I got her." I say. I took her and rocked in the rocking chair. She fell asleep with a hand down his shirt. Classic Maybree. I put her in her crib and laid in my bed. Harry wrapdd his arm around me and kissed my neck. I turned around. I held his cheek. My phone rang.
"Who the hell is calling?" I moaned. I pick it up.
"Hello?" I asked.
"Hey honey, just wanted to see how you were doing."
"I'm fine." I say.
"Yeah." I say.
"Well I hope you feel better." She says.
"Should be better by next week" I say.
"I'm sending you some blankets for May."
"Ok thanks. Do you know what time it is here?"
"Oh my didn't see that, sorry, hon."
"It's ok. I got to go." I say.
"Ok. Talk to you later. Love you."
"Love you too mom." I say. I hang up.
"Mood killer." Harry says. I laughed.

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