Chapter 28: almost there

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I woke up to that Handsome face.
"You're hairs so long."
"I'm trying to make it longer than yours." He brushed his hand through mine.
"We haven't been woken up yet." I say. He laughs.
"Spoke too soon." He says.
"Hey baby." She was crying. I lifted her on the bed and she laid on top of me.
"Your ok." I brushed her hair. Harry felt her forehand.
"She's warm." I felt it.
"You're burning up." I took off her onesie.
"Come here." Harry took her.
"Do we call the doctor?"
"I thought you stick a thermometer up their ass."
"Sorry butt."
"I don't know."
"Google it."
"I'm not going to be that parent." I say.
" Zoe."
"Rocky! He has a girl." I say. He nods. I pull out my phone and dial his number.
"Rocky's limo service for Shay. How can I help you?" I laugh.
"Hey what did you do when Darcy had a fever?"
"Take her temperature." He says.
"Is that all?"
"I'll give you a step by step. Is Maybree ok?"
"She's warm." I say. I give Harry a thermometer. He looks clueless. I point the phone away.
"Just put it in!"
"I don't know." I turned around.
"Got that yet?"
"One second." I say. It beeped. I turned to look at Harry.
"Get it?"
"Wait." He looked at it.
"101.2" he says.
"Do it again just to make sure." Rocky says.
"Ok." I put the thermometer back in her mouth.
"Shay." He take the thermometer out.
"Harry put it back." I say.
"You just put that in her mouth." He says.
"It was up her as- butt." He says.
"Harry!" Rocky was laughing on the other line. I walked in the bathroom and rinsed it off. I brought it back. Harry smelled it.
"Don't do that." I say.
"Checking." He put it in her mouth. I can't believe I put a shit stick in my daughters mouth. It beeped again and Harry took it out.
"That's a fever." Harry says.
"Is she drinking?" Rocky says.
"What?! No. My 18 month old doesn't drink."
"No liquids." Rocky laughs. I walk in the kitchen and make some formula. I bring it back in and Harry give it to her.
"Yeah." I say.
"Give her a nice bath and some ibuprofen." Rocky says.
"Thank you." I say.
"No problem." He says. I smiled and hung up.
"She's fine." I say.
"Good." He kissed her forehead.
"What if she barfs shit?" Harry asks. I laughed and hit his arm.

I folded laundry as May took a nap. Harry went to work to I stayed with May. I wasn't going to have Finley or Zoe watch her if she had a fever. The phone rang.
"Hey Shay. Harry said that May wasn't feeling well." Anne says.
"Oh no, she's not." I say.
"Why don't you bring her over and I'll take her off your hands." She walked out and laid her head on my leg.
"Are you sure?"
"I miss my granbaby." She says. I smile.
"I'll get her ready." I say.
"See you in a bit."
"You too." I hung up. I picked her up.
"You want to go to GG's? I ask. She didn't say anything.
"We're going to GG's." I say. I stand up and get her things together.

I walked in to Anne and Desmond's house. Desmond was on the couch with his foot propped up.
"How's that knee?" I ask.
"Better thank you." He says. Anne takes May from me.
"Thank you so much for taking her, I really need to get to the studio."
"No problem. How's that house coming along?"
"The house is coming, just very slowly."
"And the wedding?"
"Still tomorrow."
"I love you Shay." Anne hugs me.
"I love you too." I say.
"You are a amazing thing that has happened to Harry."
"I can't wait to be more apart of his life."
"I know what happened was an accident but it has made him a better person and I thank you so much for that."
"Absolutely." Absolutely.

I walked Into the studio.
"Where's may?" Rachel asked.
"She's with Anne, she has a fever."
"It's hard being a mumma and a music artist." She says.
"It is, I want to rock her." She smiled.
"You should go home."
"No I really do need to work."
"I'm going for lunch, you call me if you need anything."
"Thanks." She walked out and I walked down the hall and opened the studio door. I stood there frozen.
"What the hell?" I asked.
"Shay can we talk in the other room?" Harry asked.
"Shit." Niall said.
"Why the hell is he here?!" I balled my fists. Harry took my hand and led me to the same empty conference room that I told him I was pregnant in.
"Why is he here?" I asked again.
"He wanted to see you."
"I don't want to ever see his face again!"
"Shay." He held my hands.
"I can not deal with him right now."
"He is your best friend, Shay!"
"Was! He was! Not anymore."
"What about your memories?"
"Harry your always trying to fixed my fucked up life. There are some things that can't be fixed, and Hansen is one of them."
"That is not true!"
"What part?!" He took a breath like I was right.
"I love you so much that I care about your relationships with your friends and family. Maybree impacted the way I love you, but I grew to love you more than I ever thought possible. Shay you are my world! No one can take your spot in my heart. I do not ever want to lose you. Losing you is like not...eating." I smiled. A tear fell down my face and I launched myself into his arms.
"I love you so much." I say.
"I love you too. Will you please talk to him?"

Hansen hugged me.
"Man I have quite a story to tell you." He said. We sat down. Harry said he would be right outside the door if he needed me.
"Go." I said.
"Well tell me about Shay, what's going on in your life?"
"Besides the judgement I get from interviewers about outside work stuff? Pretty great."
"Let's not be salty."
"Hansen you pop up out of no where every fucking month!"
"Calm down."
"Hansen you left mad and come back rebellious. Then you leave and come back calm!"
"I was in a tough spot."
"Like what?"
"When you left, I went downhill. Omaha wasn't the same without you. You shared light everyday that lit up the town. When you left it was dull and dark. Moods changed and we all wanted you back. I wanted you back."
"But i was here living the dream." I say.
"Exactly. Partying, signing album covers and t-shirts. Performing concerts. Shay I never missed a concert."
"That's a lot of money and you could have asked me for tickets."
"But I didn't want to be the guy who was always there. I wanted to be the ghost in the balcony."
"That's creepy."
"This is when I loved you Shay."
"Not one?"
"Not one."
"What about your job and school? How were you affording these tickets?"
"See I went into debt and i, lost my apartment, dropped out of Omaha state, and lost my job.
"Hansen! Why would you do that?!"
"Because I wanted you."
"Why didn't you say anything."
"I figured you would find someone like harry." I didn't say anything.
"When I lost everything, I took what I had and moved to London. I payed what I had for that million dollar pent house on the same floor as you. You know I how much I had to tip that guy? Your floor is like lock down to the public." I laughed.
"You did all that?"
"Then you shut me out and I moved in with your parents until I got back on my feet."
"And now your here."
"I'm here."
"Hansen I'm so sorry!" I have him a warm hug.
"I know you will never love me the way you love Harry, but all that I ask is if I can come to your wedding."
"That's tomorrow."
"You better say yes."

I curled under the covers and wrapped my legs around Harry's. I took a deep breath.
"I met every word I said today." He says.
"I don't doubt it for a second."
"Shay we are starting our lives. I want my girls to be happy."
"Right now, I am." He kissed my forehead and held me close.
"I'm never letting you go. You're a beauty, Shay Wellington." I smiled and turned off the lamp.

One drunk night // Harry Styles FanficWhere stories live. Discover now