The Beach

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                                                                       Chapter 1

This morning dad said, "Hallie, I'm going to take the kids fishing on Saturday." 

 Mom was shocked, "Kelvin Marvin, what has gotten into your brain lately?" she asked.

"Oh come on mom," Patrick spoke up, "we have to learn to fish some time!"

"That's right, and what better time then in 2 days so they can get ready?" Dad agreed.

 "Honey, you know that Jasmine isn't ready to go. Take the boys with you." mom argued.

 "Mom," I whined, "I'm 13 now, you can't keep me locked up forever."

 "That's right Hun," Dad said "she's not a baby anymore. She can look out for herself."

 "What do you say mom?" Chad asked eager to start packing.

 "Oh alright," mom said, "besides you guys always win. Why argue anyways?"

 Chad let out a war whoop and jumped up from the breakfast table. He ran up the stairs to his room and slammed the door. Even with the door closed we could still hear him throwing stuff in his suitcase and making a huge mess. Dad grinned his white teeth shining, his blond hair sticking straight up, his brown eyes sparkling, and his white shirt hanging untucked. Mom glanced at him disapprovingly then went back to making a list of things we would need when we left. I wolfed down the rest of my oatmeal and went to go upstairs. Before I got there mom told me to tell Chad that he needed to fill in for the lifeguard at the beach. Then she said that I had to go get Patrick and Evan and go swimming. I must have looked crestfallen because mom told me that it was Summer and I wasn't stuck in a classroom and needed to get fresh air. So I trudged up the stairs like I was a really depressed person. Evan got the idea and went to get his bathing suit on. Chad looked at me like I was an idiot and asked me if I was sick or something. Patrick heard him and came running down the hall like he thought I was going to die or something. He told me to tell him how I felt so he could see if he knew what kind of sickness I had.

 I stared at them then said in a crackly voice,"My throat hurts, my head hurts, I really have to go to the bathroom and you guys are in my way."

 They looked at me with huge eyes and Patrick said, I've never heard of a sickness with those symptoms

All of a sudden we heard Evan laugh. Chad spun around in a panic. Now it was my turn to laugh.

Chad and Patrick looked at me and chorused,"You, my friend, are going to pay!"

 I knew what that meant. I tore down the hall and ran into my room with Chad at my heels. I got into my room and closed and locked the door. Then I went to get my bathing suit on. Maybe I should have waited to make sure Chad wasn't picking my lock. The door swung open and I screamed. Chad's eyes popped. I had my bathing suit top on and my jeans were luckily still on. I turned red and started yelling at the top of my lungs. Evan came running to see what was wrong. The moment he saw me he got the picture. He was also mad at Chad and went downstairs. 3 seconds later dad came upstairs.

"Chad, what have I told you about picking your sisters lock!?!" he said in a loud voice.

Chad looked pale then said, "I'm sorry really I am. I didn't know she was changing. Actually, I didn't even know she was going to the beach."

Dad looked at him, "Oh, alright you win but next time will be a different story. Now go get ready to fill in for the lifeguard at 9:30," he said

. I relocked my door and finished changing. When I stepped out of my room a cold splash of water hit me. I looked up and saw that the boys had cleverly set up a bucket above my door. I knew if I went downstairs wet, mom would know what happened but I didn't want to get my brothers in trouble. I guess I did deserve it. So I went to the bathroom and got a towel to dry up the carpet. Then I dried myself off and went to take down the bucket. Patrick walked up behind me and shock the ladder. I didn't say anything to him.

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