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Chapter 4

The man shoved me through the door and I found myself looking at a staircase. He pushed me down the stairs and through a hall way, and Then stopped at a door and took out a key. As he unlocked the door I looked at him. He looked a lot like the little boy I'd seen only around Chad's age. I think he sensed my stare because he shifted uncomfortably and shoved me into the room, locking it after me. “

“Hey, Let me out!” I yelled at the door.

No answer.

“You let me out of here!”

No answer.

“Fine be that way!” I yelled and kicked the door. I looked around the room, there was a cot set up by the back wall and a desk sat next to it. A chair sat turned on it's side by the desk and a candle gave of a dim glow in the corner.. I picked up the chair and looked down at myself. I was still in my Pj's.

Stupid me. I thought. Why didn't I change? I can't do anything about it now though.

I wasn't sure just how long I was going to be in the room so I sat down on the chair and tried not to look scared. I'm not sure how long I sat there but I soon heard a key turn in the lock. I stood up and got ready to see some raggedy sailor who was going to make me walk the plank. I was surprised to see the little boy I'd seen earlier come in. He was holding a tray in one hand and closing the door with the other, he'd brought more candles and a blanket along with a bowl of food. Surprisingly he looked terrified, like I was about to snap at him or something. Smiling I said. “ It's ok I won't bite. My name's Jasmine. What's yours?”

The boy looked startled but stammered. “I'm-I'm Vinson.”

“Why do you look so scared?” I asked.

He looked at me cautiously but answered. “Well, Baxter said you were probably scared to death and wouldn't say anything but when I came in you looked like you were about to kill me.”

I laughed at that and asked. “How old are you? I'm 13.”

“10” He answered.

I stared at him in surprise.

“I'm a cabin boy.” He explained. “I clean the cabins, do chores and bring food and stuff to the 5 prisoners.”

“Oh, they're my family!” I said excitedly.

“Well they do KINDA look like you.” Vinson said hesitantly.

I grinned “Oh, The guy who pushed me in here. Who was he? He looked a lot like you. Do you know him?”

“Know him!?” He laughed “He's my 19 year old brother!”

I grinned. Vinson put the tray down and I looked at the bowl. The substance didn't quite look edible. I scrunched up my nose and looked pleadingly at Vinson. He laughed.

“Come on. It's not THAT bad.” He said. "Once you're used to it."

That didn't exactly sound reassuring.

“But I'm not used to it.” I grumbled.

“Well eat it anyways. It's all we have right now.” He ordered.

I looked at the food and gagged. “So um... where exactly are you planing on taking me and my family?”

“The Island Cordelia. It's really pretty. I've been there loads of times. You'll like it.” He answered getting up to leave. “I've got to go finish my chores or the Captin'll get sore at me.” He left and locked the door firmly behind him.

What kind of threat do they think I am? I wondered to myself. Regretfully I picked up the bowl and took a bite of the substance.

“Eww! This is nasty!” I gagged as I put the food down. I didn't know what else to do so I lay down on the cot after taking off my robe and fell into a restless sleep.

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