Sad Way to Die

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I woke up to the sound of the key in the lock. I jumped up out of the cot, tripping over the chair and landing hard on the floor. Vinson came in and looked down at me in shock after closing the door softly behind him. He was carrying a small sack with him and another bowl of.... “Food”.

“I see you didn't eat your dinner.” He said grinning and setting the bowl down next to my still full one. “It was that bad huh?”

“It was TERRIBLE! No offense to the cook.” I said grimacing.

“Well I've brought you a few things down and I'm about to go get a glass of water so you can brush your teeth.” He answered handing me the sack and holding back a grin.

I opened the sack and looked inside. There was a hair brush, a tooth brush, and a pair of sailor's clothes. I guess even pirates like to be clean. I thought as Vinson left to get water. I changed and found that the pair of clothes was only a little baggy, then brushed out my hair, knowing it was probably getting a little greasy from the lack of getting washed. Vinson came back in with a bucket of water and said that the cook had insisted that I'd want to wash my face as well as brush my teeth being a girl and all. I grinned and thanked him. After washing my face and brushing my teeth Vinson dashed in all exited about something.

“Captain just threw some guy over board! He sunk like a rock!” he breathed.

 I immediately got an uneasy feeling.

“It was that old guy who came on board with you!”

 DAD! I thought bursting into tears. Why had this happened? I'd promised mom we'd all be safe! Now dad would be sleeping forever on the ocean floor. Vinson stared at me and I tried to stop the tears. I couldn't cry in front of him. I WOULDN'T. But the tears had other plans. They poured out of my eyes in a waterfall of grief and I felt ashamed and embarrassed. My feelings turned to anger and my anger aimed itself towards the only other person in the room.

 “Go away!” I yelled furiously. “Get me off this retched ship and away from all of you retched pirates! You monsters! How could you kill my dad like that!?!”

 Vinson looked at me terrified and scampered out. I fell back onto the cot and sobbed. I felt bad for yelling at Vinson that way. I didn't mean to hurt him. What I said had been true though. I couldn't change that. I cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore. I heard the key in the lock and wiped my eyes. I needed to apologize to Vinson but I didn't want teary eyes. Instead of Vinson a boy around Evan's age walked in.

“Who are you?” I asked. “Where's Vinson?”

 “I'm Merrick.” The boy said. “You scared Vinson pretty bad so I took over for 'im. We could 'ear you up on deck! Not exactly what you said but we could tell you were mad. What 'appened?”

“Oh.... um...uh...” I stammered lost for words.

 “Your eyes are swollen and red.” Merrick pointed out.

I glared at him.

“Thanks for that unneeded piece of info. I knew that already. I was crying.”

he asked why. I looked up at the tall, black haired, blue eyed boy in front of me and decided that it would be better to tell him then to lie. “Your stupid Captain threw my dad over board. You'd cry too if you knew your dad was dead.” I pretty much growled at him.

“My dad is dead. The Captain shot 'im.” Merrick answered.

“He WHAT!?!” I asked shocked. “If he shot your dad why do you work for him.. or sail under him... or whatever!?!”

“Because he saved me from my dad.” He answered to my confusion.

I told him I was confused and he tried to explain.

“I worked as an assistant farmer with my dad since I was old enough to work. My mother 'ad run off to get away from my father but she 'adn't been able to tear 'is metal grasp from me. So I was left to endure the beatings my father gave me everyday. Sometimes over nothing. Capatin Nero came  and  he saw my father beating me. he shot 'im 'cause 'e thought 'e was killing me. After my dad died  I joined 'is crew. Simple as that."

I just stared at him.

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