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She followed behind me, hopping from one foot to the other like a little girl and she was not ashamed one bit. She was deliriously happy, giddy even and once I led her into our lockers, her eyes glistened with joy.

"So, this will be your locker and after you are done depositing your stuffs, we shall proceed on with the tour," I showed her to the narrow storage compartment right next to mine.

I know right. What luck.

"Thanks sexy," she winked at me and when her eyes darted to the side, I heard her mutter under her breath,

"Cool, we are neighbors,"

Then, fixing her gaze back to her own and casually tossing her belongings into the locker, she retrieved a white coat which was hanging from the inside of it and raised an eyebrow at me.

"I suppose this is mine?"
"Yes, unless Kim Donghyun isn't your name," I rolled my eyes at her and pointed at the name printed at the front of it.

To that, she laughed it off as if she couldn't sense the formal tone in my voice before happily linking her arms with mine.

"Hey, what are you trying to do? There are people watching us" I yanked my arm off hers as quick as possible and snarled at her,

"I hate touchy people,"

"Yea, and the only person with the permission to touch him is Joohyeon sunbaenim," a voice sounded from the back and slowly, the person wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his head into my neck.

"I'm so tired, Chimchim,"

It happened so suddenly and reflexively, I responded by elbowing him in his stomach.

"See, not even me and yah, Chimchim! That fucking hurts," Yoongi made a face at me before he turned swiftly to face the girl. Giving Donghyun a smile, he greeted,

"You must be the newbie,"

Standing beside me, I saw her still displaying the confident yet playful look of hers as she took Yoongi's hand and shook it firmly,

"Yes and nice to meet you too, Yoongi sunbaenim,"

It took a second or two for the new information to sink in and gradually, I saw Yoongi's lips stretched wider into a gaping grin and his eyebrows arched for the sky.

"Hey, you know me?"

Chuckling, she nodded her head briefly and pointed to the two who just so happen to enter the room whilst announcing proudly,

"Min Yoongi, Kim Namjoon, Joohyeon unnie and lastly," she flashed me a seductive smile,

"Park Jimin," she paused to picture the look on my face,

"For for your information, I was loitering outside the office for a reason,"

That was when I realized that I was outwitted again, that I could pinpoint her flaws for my whole life and never get any closer. Tugging her portfolio under my arms, I bit into my bottom lips embarrassedly and gestured for her to get out of the room quick.

"Alright, enough talk. Let's go, I'll need to show you around now," I said to her.

"Sure," as she left with me, I saw Joohyeon stopping her to flick her on her forehead.

"Yah Hyunnie! You owe me much explanation now. When did you exactly return and why didn't you call me beforehand?"

Laughing nervously at her, Donghyun only nodded her head and waving at her, I heard her mentioning something like,

Call me, Dr. Park (BTS JIMIN FANFIC)Where stories live. Discover now