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"No, Donghyun-ssi you are the guest, please take a seat,"
"Aniya eommeonim, I heard that you have a really severe backache and that's why I'm here,"

From where I was seated at, I was kind of sick of watching those two ladies kept on pushing for each other to settle down and their incessant noises at this late hour somehow added on to my headache.

Speaking of this, it was all thanks to Ji-woon, the big mouth for spilling out eomma's condition when we coincidentally met Donghyun outside the lift. Eventually, we found out that we were actually living at the same block, and hence, she then insisted on making a visit, considering the 'close' terms we shared.

I sighed deeply as I looked back up at the clock. It was close to 2am and yet, my house was still bustling with joy.

Supporting my head on my elbow, I laid back onto the sofa and let my eyes flicker elsewhere until they met those of the other party who was seated directly across me.

Geez, I almost forgot about him.

Giving a shrug on his shoulders, that guy flashed a smile at me, making me shudder from head to toes.

Honestly speaking, I had no idea why he decided to tag along to a stranger's home, but somehow, he gave me the vibe that I knew him. He acted so casually around all of us and also, judging from how he hung around Donghyun, I couldn't deny the fact that he was pretty close to her.

Tch. He must be one of those guys who got drugged by that brat's charms. But, wait. Could he be her boyfriend instead? That train of thought suddenly came into my mind.

If he is, then wouldn't our lie and plan go down into the drain?

Giving him a weird stare, I then slowly reached into my pocket and decided that it was time to call for S.O.S. - Kaokao Talk.

motionlessmin joined the group.
rapmon joined the group.

Parkjiminnie: !!!
rapmon: ohmygoodness dude. You woke me up
Parkjiminnie: geez finger slipped. I just realised I don't need you
rapmon: wow, thanks a lot?
Parkjiminnie: yoongiiii hyunggggg
rapmon: hold up, he's still sleeping right beside me. Let me wake him up
rapmon: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
rapmon: sorry my elbow accidentally hit the button
motionlessmin: dude, you've better got a good excuse
Parkjiminnie: sorry
Parkjiminnie: wait no, I'm not sorry. It's you guys who got me into this mess
rapmon: what are you talking about now?
motionlessmin: he meant
rapmon: ahhhh
motionlessmin: you know what? You are just right beside me, you don't have to type in here
rapmon: right
Parkjiminnie: guys, stop it
Parkjiminnie: I'm serious
rapmon: ......
motionlessmin: I will give you 2 mins
Parkjiminnie: it seems like already has a boyfriend
rapmon: & how in the world do you know that
Parkjiminnie: they are in my house right now

rapmon left the group

motionlessmin: you've got to be kiddin me
motionlessmin: btw don't worry about namjoon
motionlessmin: nothing special. He just broke his phone
Parkjiminnie: ok....
motionlessmin: ok back to topic, are you sure that that's her boyfriend? And what the hell are they doing at your house?
motionlessmin: namjoon here btw. yoongi said that he's just too swag for this conversation
Parkjiminnie: long story and I'm not too sure myself....

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